
It Project Manager

Taylor Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Versatile IT project manager, test lead and CRM specialist, expert in driving multimillion-dollar projects globally and consistently meeting key program deliverables. Acknowledged for integrity, high professional standards, and “grace under fire.” Customer-service orientation, “big-picture” vision, and sensitivity to the bottom-line combine usefully to deliver projects stamped with a characteristic blend of detail, and cost-effectiveness. Inspired by the power of assembling talented, self-directed teams, and passionately committed to sustaining robust, streamlined systems that respond to business objectives. Persuasive and entertaining public speaker—expert in “working an audience.” Perform well under pressure; a productive, positive leader sharing in team successes.

Professional strengths include:
Ÿ Project Design, Scope, Management & Rollout
Ÿ Advanced CRM Environments
Ÿ Strategic Planning
Ÿ Marketing Concepts
Ÿ Change Management
Ÿ Productivity Enhancements
Ÿ International Consultant
Ÿ Multimillion-dollar Support Systems
Ÿ System Architecture
Ÿ Information Systems
Ÿ Budget Management
Ÿ Automated Testing
Ÿ Multi-site Team Management
Ÿ Computer & Marketing Consultancy
Ÿ Process Improvements
Ÿ Cost Containment
Ÿ Revenue Generation

Multilingual: English, French, German, Dutch, and Spanish.

· Distinguished for pioneering efforts as the only individual in a department of 70 to have initiated training sessions in a new topic that aided productivity and team connection.
· Won reputation for defining exact position of project progress and capacity to pinpoint costs at each project phase. Developed successful “You can’t manage what you can’t measure” philosophy.
· Flawlessly executed multiple regional releases of the CRM solution—URSA as project manager for Agilent Technologies. Coordinated complex global implementation, each with separate budgets, resources, and timelines juggling the technological and cultural issues inherent in facilitating worldwide projects.
· Reengineered CRM application, cutting synchronization times by 87.5% and delivering an ROI of $3M annually. Project successes prompted business to request same core functionalities across Asia, Japan, and the USA.
· Appointed Test Manager to “Fusion”—a multimillion-dollar ERP project integrating service management into an existing SAP solution. Previous failed attempts placed significant pressure on the multi-disciplined team—each with diverse agendas, to deliver on time and to specification. Defined a clear testing strategy that successfully straddled European and US east/west time zones, acted as project interface, created unique and efficient processes, and pioneered the Fusion-specific mini-test environment—a low cost solution that assured interruption-free testing considered crucial to successful project deployment.
· Pioneered a sophisticated Excel dashboard that collected and summarized test data from 40 separate spreadsheets in mere seconds. The process was acknowledged as the cornerstone of precise testing progress reports.
· Supervised test areas from integration, regression, and error handling, to boundary application, shakedown, and customer facing documents.


Project Manager / CRM Specialist / Test Lead & Manager
Transitioned as an influential change-agent internally, continuing to direct major projects on a worldwide scale, while simultaneously reengineering processes and driving improvements for a leaner, and more productive and cost-effective operating infrastructure with renewed quality focus.
Reversed inherent complacency towards expenditure blowouts, by instituting leaner and measured strategies for hiring contractors, and ensuring the best value from quality suppliers.
Contributions & Results:
· Assembled global team of independent contractors from Japan, Europe, and USA to deliver multiple CRM releases worldwide to 3500+ customers. Decision became the catalyst in steering the project rapidly across all regions—cutting 50% from proposed single-location timelines.
· Collaborated on management team defining the company’s future worldwide CRM strategy, encompassing formal standardized processes.
· Built successful case for eliminating a costly, yet technically inferior software vendor’s contractor from the team mix; reinforced the cost and productivity advantages to management of a multi-site team to counter the challenges of different time zones and cultures.
· Flawlessly executed multiple regional releases of the CRM solution—URSA. Coordinated complex global implementation, each with separate budgets, resources, and timelines to strict budgets and deadlines, juggling the technological, cultural, and people issues inherent in facilitating worldwide projects.
· Overcame the URSA integration with the company’s largest and most complex Oracle ERP system worldwide considered a “moving target.” With mismatching Oracle data for CRM, intense challenges were overcome through creative project realignment and stretching budget funding to tackle the initial 30-day continuous data extraction process.
· Positioned application as a genuine global CRM solution by refining the URSA code libraries. Refined the levels of dependencies on available ERP data, splitting project to key components that were delivered within tight deadlines.
· Conducted “MindMapping” training sessions to groups of 40 in the US and Singapore. Sessions aimed to align increases in efficiency through understanding knowledge management.
· Conquered productivity issues surrounding the demands of an expanding user base calling for one-screen data views, and improved response times. Enhanced the CRMs ease of usability by reengineering the application GUI for call center agents and field engineers. Cut synchronization times by 87.5% and delivered a ROI of $3M annually prompting business to request same core functionalities across Asia, Japan, and the USA.
· Intervened to reverse stalled project negatively impacted by multiple disparate consulting organizations, lack of project leadership, and insufficient internal staff. With no comprehensive testing approach, disjointed teams efforts were customary. Collaborated on design, development and test model, and personally redefined the structure of the testing organization.
· Devised comprehensive quality assurance standards and guidelines ensuring all software components were authorized and agreed upon formally.
· Assumed Test Lead/Management and interface role on “Fusion”—a resurrected multi-million project aiming to integrate service management into Agilent’s existing SAP system. Previous stalled attempts placed renewed pressure on the team to devise a solution that integrated the existing Siebel front-end with the SAP ERP back-end for greater operational effectiveness and enhanced customer satisfaction. Delivered first release testing with no significant escalations or defects post go-live.
· Devised a mini-test environment—a low cost solution that co-existed with the fully integrated test environment, yet benefited by its independence to circumvent interruptions.
· Built consensus and established common protocols between diverse and complementary project groups both in Europe and the US. Produced unique and efficient processes, planned the logistics of cross-country communications, and produced a web-based handoff application and sophisticated Excel dashboard that provided ‘real time’ reports. Presided over integration, regression, error handling, boundary application, shakedown, and customer facing document testing.

Implementation Consultant
Rapidly won reputation as the highest revenue-generating consultant in the USA, personally producing $US375K in 12 months, and boasting the most billable days (242).
· POINT Consultant for Hewlett Packard, presiding over $US1M year-long performance benchmarking and quality assurance project as part of the international CRM application rollout in Europe and Asia servicing 650 users. (Synchrologic, Citrix, and Oracle). Succeeded in producing a creative, low-cost software solution that resolved performance issues permanently—despite the complexities of assessing the application’s performance from three diverse perspectives of call center agent, field engineer, and Oracle DB. Outstanding service, combined with on budget, on time delivery, prompted a firm offer of permanent employment.
· Analyzed performances and benchmarked project, directing the implementation and rollout of a $US1M Object Oriented CRM application project catering to 450 call center agents within a leading US-based insurance company, Liberty Mutual while navigating a “minefield” of pre-existing political issues.
· Stabilized CRM “bug” for Liberty Mutual producing screen losses in quotation and order screens. Upgrade to newer middleware components resolved issue that had caused frustration over many months.

IT Business Analyst
Shaped strategies to position small- and medium-sized companies for growth. Analyzed business infrastructures, philosophies, and anticipated market expansion, delivering recommendations across areas of system architecture, hardware/software purchasing, and IT/internet training. Projects were typically brief, and all were produced on time, on budget, to specification.
· Increased revenues through the direction of well-conceived and executed marketing programs.
· Trained personnel in the nuances of “Accelerated Learning Strategies” for improved performance and productivity.

ANDERSEN CONSULTING, Sophia Antipolis, France
International Consultant
· Directed team of 8 on $150M project for Argentina’s largest oil company. Led implementation of X.25 network integration with AS/400 architecture, terminal connections, and satellite communications.
· Engineered the conceptual client/server architecture design for ISCOR in South Africa.
· Presented client/server technology training at the company’s global Center for Professional Education in St. Charles, USA.
· Collaborated on the development of the company’s 5-year strategic technology plan.

· GSI, Paris, France (1990–1991). International Consultant
· IBM, European Headquarters, Paris, France ( 1987–1989). System Analyst


Bachelor of Science
Hogeschool Zuyd University of Professional Education, The Netherlands
Mathematics | Management | Information Services
Technical University, The Netherlands
Certified Practitioner in NLP • Certified Instructor for Tony Buzan
Gayle M. Howard -getinterviews@topmargin.com - Top Margin - http://www.topmargin.com