
Registered Nurse Icu

Renee McEvoy
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


ICU Nurse in a 24-Bed Critical Care Unit with dual roles as staff nurse in Diagnostic Cardiac Cath and assistant to physicians and radiology technologist Radiology labratories.


• Registered Nurse - State of Maine
• Certified in Basic Life Support
• Certified in Advanced Life Support
• Previously Certified in Pediatric Advanced Life Support


• Diagnostic Cardiac Cath Laboratory, Radiology, and Special Procedures.
• Conscious sedation of all radiology performed procedures.
• Cardiac catheterizations, permanent pacemaker insertions, valvular studies, and Swan-Ganz catheter insertions.
• Line Placement Team member with central line placements and PICC lines.
• Assisted with A-V Graft/Fistula revasculerizations.
• Coordinator of nursing coverage for new procedures i.e. Vertebralplasty and Uterine Artery Embolizations.
• Assisted with all angiography exams: Cerebral Angiograms, Aortograms with Leg Run Offs, Angioplasty of Diseased Arteries, Renal Angiograms with Angioplasty, and Mesenteric Angiograms.


Medical Center, Ipswich, ME
1994 - Present
RN - Cardiac Cath Lab, Radiology Department, and 24-Bed ICU Unit
• Oversee all deliverance of patient care - medical surgical, neurological, and cardiac critically ill.
• Interact daily with a variety of personnel including physicians, radiology technologists, other medical staff, and patients; directly assist physicians in performing invasive and non-invasive procedures.

Additional Responsibilities:
• Function as Relief Charge Nurse, including staff supervision and unit coordination when needed.
• Function as Cardiology Diagnostic Nurse; assist physicians with all stress testing and emphasis on pharmacological stress test - Dobutamine Stress Echoes and Adenosine Nuclear Stress Testing.
• Serve as preceptor for orientation of new employees in the lab and ICU
• Conceptualize, prepare, and provide in-services to recently hired critical care professional nurses.


University of Maine at Lewiston-Auburn Campus
Post Doctorate, Human Resources and Business Administration

St. Mary's School of Nursing, Lewiston, ME
Continuing Education (Seminars, Workshops, and Classes - Varied Dates)

- Maine Nursing Law
- P.I.C.C. Line - Inservice
- Society of Cardiovascular Intervention Radiology (S.C.I.V.R.), Orlando, FL, 1-Week - Convention/Training
- Introduction to Lytic Therapy
- Concepts of Permanent Pacing by Intermedics
- Nuclear Cardiology Update
- Advanced Program - Seminar for Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping

PRWRA Rolande LaPointe - RO-LAN Associates, Inc. - RLapointe@aol.com