
Public Relations Director Television

Marion McLeod
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Senior Level Executive with 18 years experience in public relations. Vision for high-return media opportunities and strategies that strengthen organizational market position and enhance revenue growth. Able to lead PR campaigns and issue management programs across multiple industries. Lead cross-functional teams to achieve corporate, branding, and marketing goals.

• Strategic Planning and Positioning • Product and Brand Strategy
• Crisis and Issues Management • Multimedia Advertising and Placement
• Media Relations and Scheduling • Promotions and Events Planning
• Corporate Identity / Reputation Management • Marketing Communications Production


Dallas Ad League Award: Regional Hospital Print Ad Campaign
Matrix Award: Venture Capital Conference
Matrix Award: Client Marketing Brochure
Regional Emmy: Best Newscast


Zane Company, Dallas, TX
1998 - Present
Public Relations Director
Direct in-house senior PR team and efforts of selected partner PR firms in LA and NY in multiple product/brand marketing strategy support. Develop PR plans across full spectrum of marketing activities for $200M annual sales, including product launch, brand license, multimedia advertising, and customer communications. Lead PR team to maintain million-viewer-strong audience for Emmy-nominated television series. Counsel President and CEO on critical issues management, media response inquiries, and corporate strategies. Corporate spokesperson, controlling all media relations.

• Doubled advertising equivalency results to $3M in 24 months, and reduced PR operating budget by $500,000 annually.
• Staged high-impact event that drew 20,000 consumers and demonstrated toy brand's sustained popularity to world press, retailers, and business partners.
• Secured placements on The Today Show, Rosie, Good Morning America, and others by convincing national broadcast media producers on product national value.
• Produced over 50 promotional videos, ranging from high-end film pieces to Video News Releases.
• Conceived, designed, and launched Electronic Press Room for company's corporate Web site.

Zane Company, Dallas, TX
1994 - 1998
Media Relations Manager
Managed and coached PR staff in media placement of award-winning television programming brands and products. Responsible for $100,000 annual, multi-project budget.

• Developed publicity launch model that produced 30-minute ticket sellouts in most major cities for international live tour.
• Orchestrated 20-million viewership public service announcement for Governor George Bush.
• Secured coveted placement of stories, articles, and appearances in USA Today, LA Times, NY Times, CBS This Morning, Today, and Donahue through strong leadership of PR multimedia advertising team.
• Produced and directed over 40 promotional videos.

Geo Consultants, Dallas, TX
1990 - 1994
Public relations firm providing crisis and issue management strategic response guidance to multibillion-dollar clients, such as US Department of Energy and Westinghouse.

Independent consultant brought in to manage high-stakes and sensitive PR projects. Advised on and developed client crisis strategies. Prepared executives on oral presentations for large government contracts. Developed technical witnesses for regulatory and legislative appearances. Trained companies in strategic negotiation techniques with communities and stakeholders for effective corporate goal attainment.

• Netted upwards of $1B in government contract awards, $750M in estimated CCA new-client presentations, and FDA hearings that achieved over-the-counter approval.
• Created positive media and stakeholder relations for US Department of Energy.

Wordsmith Communications, Dallas, TX
1988 - 1990
Public relations, issues management, and marketing firm, serving multibillion-dollar clients, such as Hitachi Semiconductor and Conoco Oil Company.

• Raised positive community response for Conoco Oil Company $25M community settlement.
• Developed TQM Quality Circles program for Hitachi.

Manning and Associates, Dallas, TX
1984 - 1988
Group Vice President, Public Relations
$20M ad agency serving multimillion-dollar clients, such as Ernst & Young and American Eagle Airlines.

Founded and directed PR group, recruiting, training, and directing staff of 10. P&L responsibility. Oversaw consumer and B2B work. Billed $1M in annual fees.

• Established consistent emergency responses and elevated public confidence by authored Issues Management Plans for regional restaurant chain and American Eagle Airline Service.


University of Texas at Austin
Bachelor of Science, Journalism

PRWRA Nick Marino - Outcome Resumes and Career Service - outcomerez@earthlink.net - Bishop, TX 78343