
Maintenance Manager

Taylor Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Seasoned aviation maintenance manager offering over 30 years experience with one of the largest helicopter companies in the world. Forte is helicopter support, materials, planning and processes.

Special Assignment: Bell Helicopter and American Eurocopter for parts support; New Aircraft Acceptance and Senior Parts Planner for 18 months.


"This completion was one of the best coordinated air medical completions that we have ever performed. Drew has worked extremely well with my guys and handled this completion in a professional and timely manner. He virtually eliminated any delays normally experienced due to his determination and knowledge of the requirements to accomplish this completion. He responded quickly to our requests on items needed from PHI. Our ability to complete the job over a week early is due primarily to his efforts. It was a pleasure working with Frank, and I would appreciate it if you would extend the sincere appreciation from the individuals at Heli-Dyne who worked with Drew on this completion. This has been a good example of how to do a medical completion right. Thanks from the Heli-Dyne Staff, and we look forward to doing future business with PHI."
...Jerry Sterling, Executive Vice President, Heli-Dyne Systems, Inc.


1966 - Present

Lafayette, LA
1998 - Present
EMS Maintenance Manager (promotion)
Manage EMS bases in various U.S. locations. Oversee ground support, training and personnel schedule.
• Decreased cost for shipping by 25% on average, saving company $1+ million annually.
• Improved efficiency by engaging in Bell Helicopter buyback program.

Lafayette, LA
1975 - 1998
Lead Mechanic (promotion)
Oversaw Houma, Morgan City, and Lafayette bases with approximately 25 Bell Helicopter and American Eurocopter aircraft at each base. Supervised 15-20 crewmembers at each base.
• Letters of commendation for achieving large volumes of work in Houma base.

Lafayette, LA
1966 - 1975
Line Mechanic
Supervised all maintenance performed on 206 model aircrafts at Grand Isle, LA


• Certificate of Recognition - Bell Helicopter Textron (2002) Ruby Award - Federal Aviation Administration (1999)
• Silver Award - Federal Aviation Administration (1998) Gold Award - Federal Aviation Administration (1997)
• Silver Award - Federal Aviation Administration (1995) Ruby Award - Federal Aviation Administration (1995)
• Bronze Award - Federal Aviation Administration (1993)


Maintenance Resource Management • Bell Helicopter Senior Parts Planner • PHI Senior Parts Planner
Gulf South Aviation Maintenance • Customer Support Training • MD 900 Maintenance • HazWoper Awareness Level Customer Service Training • Hazardous Material Training

PRWRA Laurie J. Roy - Lafayette, LA 70503 - http://www.prwra.com - laurie@prwra.com - (800) 225-8688 - (337) 233-1871 fax