
Security Officer Best

Thomas Mack
44720 Howard Drive, Green Bay, WI 56774 / Tel# (518) 555-3386 Email: tmack@myisp.com

Security Officer


Professional security officer with over 10 years experience protecting lives and property. Founder and lead security professional in private consultant practice, utilizing personal field experience from military duties and private security assignments to provide effective advice and services. Demonstrated ability to assess threats and vulnerabilities, respond quickly, and implement effective solutions.


General Management skills: Use administrative, planning, and organizational skills to recognize problems and execute solutions that streamline operations and achieve results.
Leadership skills: Use coaching and mentoring strategies to assist employees in developing programs of action that address identified security needs.
Human Resource skills: Interact effectively with individuals at all levels, fostering a spirit of cooperation and respect, soliciting ideas and opinions of others, and utilizing input on key issues.
Communication skills: Express research and recommendations in an articulate, clear, concise, and effective manner.


1999 - Present
Security Officer
Founded and managed an 8-person consulting firm specializing in physical security for celebrities, events, retail establishments, and financial institutions. Recruited, trained, and directed a team of contracting security agents based on client needs. Oversaw business, financial, and personnel decisions.
· Mentored and coached team members to deliver quality service and advice to clients.
· Instituted an immediate response procedure to quickly address emergency and hazardous situations, resulting in a 45% reduction in the time to contact appropriate authorities.
· Conducted research on success of security techniques in order to focus on the most successful strategies employed in the industry.
· Trained colleagues to present security plans using professional presentation skills.

1996 - 1999
Security Agent
Managed security for 10 jewelry stores and seven gemstone couriers. Oversaw premise security, including alarm systems, inventory control procedures, contract security personnel, and surveillance systems. Advised senior management on improvements in security measures.
· Developed and institutionalized security standards and procedures, reducing thefts by 17%.
· Investigated and analyzed patterns in courier travel to demonstrate security vulnerabilities.
· Consulted with local law enforcement to increase awareness of crime patterns and assist in investigations.
· Researched new developments in alarm and surveillance systems to identify tools to improve in-store security.

1994 - 1996
Security Guard
Provided security for professional sports team, including graveyard shift surveillance, weekend and evening sporting event security, crowd control, and bodyguard services. Maintained detailed records of security incidents and law enforcement actions.
· Evaluated travel and site security plans to recommend improvements to team management.
· Managed communication with local law enforcement to coordinate security plans.
· Served as liaison with local fire marshal to ensure full compliance with all fire ordinances.
· Prepared and presented crisis management plan to train other security personnel on emergency procedures.

1991 - 1994
Military Police
Served as Squad Leader, Team Leader, and Training Specialist for subordinate personnel, at the rank of Corporal. Utilized military training to ensure compliance with military justice and fire safety requirements, including tours of duty as Patrol Officer, Crime Prevention Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO), Federal Police Escort, Physical Security NCO, and Fire Safety NCO.
· Decorated veteran of 2 foreign wars, with multiple awards and citations for serving as a combat parachutist with Detention Facilities and Med-Evac Units.
· Served as Arresting Detective for Drug Suppression Team involved in over 700 drug convictions in 4-year timeframe.
· Led team to win MP Pentathlon at Battalion level.


Bachelor of Arts (Management), 1999
Minnesota State College, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Associate of Arts (Law Enforcement), 1996
Wisconsin Community College, Kenosha, Wisconsin

Coursework included:

Patrol Techniques, Traffic Enforcement, Domestic Violence, Juvenile Investigations, Report Writing, Motor Vehicle Law, Communication Skills, Ethics, Interviews, Law Enforcement Orientation and Driver Training.