
Financial Controller

Lee Robertson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Solution-focused, multi-faceted Senior Finance Executive demonstrating expertise building top-performing organizations consistently exceeding revenue and profit objectives within challenging, competitive and volatile markets. Outstanding accomplishments in business startup, turnaround, and financial/operational management across diverse industries, reinvigorating organizational infrastructure, inventory, technologies, processes and financial measurement systems. Delivered strong and sustainable revenue/income gains with equal expertise in capturing cost reductions through process redesign and performance management.


• Forecasting, Reporting & Analysis • Strategic Planning, Execution & Management
• Software/Hardware Analysis & Enhancement • Staff Management & Performance Building
• Revenue, Profit & Market Share Growth • Budgeting & Cash Flow Optimization
• Banking/Finance Liaison/Negotiation • Corporate Finance & Asset Management


AGR Systems, Edison, NJ
1999 - Present
Financial Controller
Multi-million dollar importer/manufacturer, supplying raw materials to niche market of small/medium-sized manufacturers within the surface coatings, ink & plastic batch manufacturing industry.

Challenged to turnaround company with limited growth potential due to mature product lines and existing markets through strategic evaluation, development and execution of operational-enhancing solutions and initiatives that captured dramatic improvement across inventory management, financial reporting, cash flow and bottom-line profitability, transforming substantial losses into healthy returns.
• Championed turnaround from $275,000 losses to $89,000 profitability in only 12 months; with results currently on target for $150,000 profit for 2002-2003.
• Spearheaded change of finance facility to reflect business needs/cycle, saving thousands of dollars in interest charges through negotiation with bankers and utilization of Trade Finance Bills rather than overdraft. Improved cash flow allowing company to place $100,000 on term deposit, thus avoiding use of overdraft facility during last 12 months.
• Enhanced stock management efficiency through identification of significant levels of obsolete stock, and subsequent initiation of major stock write-downs/disposals in June 2001; and improved stock turns of 1.2 to 3.5 in less than two years.
• Increased product margins where possible in a price-driven marketplace and with majority of company products having low margin rates.
• Transformed poorly managed, inaccurate financial accounts with sporadic analysis and reporting into highly-efficient operation, producing full management accounts within five days of month end including KPI summary and budget variance analysis.
• Streamlined financial accuracy and reporting through conversion of manual GL into Attaché software and integrated debtors, creditors, stock, purchasing and payroll.

Diamond Label International, Edison, NJ
1990 - 1998
Financial Controller
Leading women's clothing manufacturer with annual revenues topping $42M.

Identified, formulated and implemented problem-solving strategies, while uniting management's disparate viewpoints by convincing and encouraging change to management solutions to prevent ongoing dismal ROS of less than 2% on annual revenues of $42M. Created sound financial base in order to accelerate growth of company revenue and profitability; monitored company progress through strategic, accurate and timely financial reporting.
• Transitioned group from severe negative cash flow position to healthy positive cash flow within 12 months with $1.4M in funds, expanding to $2.7M during following two years, and in excess of $3M.
• Introduced cash forecasting model that phased in local/overseas purchasing with relevant payment terms, which facilitated negotiation with bankers for a short-term increase in finance facility from $600K to $2.6M, (later being reduced to $1.1M).
• Ceased previous neglect of long-term cash forecasting by management to the point of near insolvency.
• Secured strong cash flow, which enabled group to establish new warehousing/logistics company, and a new Hong Kong Branch office with operating capital funded by Diamond Label.
• Instrumental in improving results through focusing Directors' awareness on margin rather than sales as the key factor for profitability and retention of cash within the business.
• Optimized ROS of 1.3% to nearly 7% within 12 months, and a further increase to 8.5% within 6 months, with industry average at that time around 4%.
• Successfully implemented, tested and achieved full operational functionality of all financial modules of new JBA computer system within specified time frame.
• Finalized long overdue accounts with accounts from October 1989 and onwards not yet produced in February 1990. By end March 1990, all accounts including February were completed with a management summary presented to Directors.


Washington State University
M.B.A., Finance & International Business

University of Michigan
B.A., Finance

PRWRA Annemarie Cross - http://www.aresumewriter.net - success@aresumewriter.net