
Cost Estimator

Jean Adams
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Professional with over 10 years experience in cost estimating, cost control, and project management. Proven record of success analyzing all aspects of a project or area of responsibility, investigating and determining if monies are being spent appropriately, improving the estimating process for actuals, reducing expenses, and improving the efficiency of operations. Additional responsibility gained in marketing, public relations, and employment management.


The Romanov Agency, Houston, Texas
1995 - Present
Cost Estimating and Project Control Coordinator
Coordinate offshore drilling projects, with responsibility for analyzing and controlling costs, scheduling projects, procurement of materials and equipment, and reviewing contracts to control costs. Interact with engineers, project managers, schedulers, and cost controllers. Apprise corporate office in London with drilling production and progress reports. Report to the Project Services Director, the Vice President of Projects, and the President. Received two promotions in three years.
• Coordinate a $176 million project that is reimbursable.
• Manage a $156 million project, the first mini-tension leg platform facility in the world, on schedule. Produced marketing video that was presented to shareholders and investors.
• Handle cost control and scheduling for two additional projects with budgets between $15 million to $25 million and $250,000 in daily expenses per project.
• Oversee process that measures non-production time and develops a performance report on past projects, including industry averages.

Geo Consultants, Houston, Texas
1988 - 1995
Project Coordinator
Managed all activities within the Laboratory. Developed the business plan, analyzed profits and productivity, developed cost analysis and break-even analysis reports, developed annual reports, performed market research, developed marketing strategies and marketing material, educated physicians and their staff regarding services, and purchased all supplies and equipment. Supervised temporary and full-time employees.
• Initiated and created the first business plan and first annual report.
• Created statistical databases used by senior management to compare Baylor to their competition and subsequently reduced turnaround time by more than 17%.
• Improved visibility by designing direct mail campaign with a targeted audience, creating marketing brochures and materials, and networking with physicians to provide education on service benefits.
• Wrote and implemented a computer network user's manual and improved the training process.
• Implemented an employee productivity measuring system that increased efficiency and improved sampling turnover time.
• Hired as a research technician in the Clinical/Research Laboratory.


Masters, Business Administration
GPA: 3.6

SAINT MARY'S COLLEGE, Notre Dame, Indiana
Bachelor of Science, Biology


• Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access)
• Expedition, Primavera, WordPerfect for Windows, Lotus
• QuatroPro, Paradox, MacDraw, MacPaint, CricketGraph
• Aldus Persuasion

PRWRA Sandy Hild - The Résumé Doctor - Theresumedoctor@aol.com - resumespecialist@yahoo.com - http://www.theresumedoctor.com