
Historical Researcher

Pat Hernandez
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Over 9 years of experience in historical study and research. History Ph.D. candidate with understanding of war and its effects on civilians. Especially interested in study of Holocaust, its causes and its impact on survivors.

Dependable and intelligent professional who is extremely attentive to detail and produces quality work. Creative problem solver who manages ambiguity and deadlines well. Eager to make long-term commitment to Shoah Foundation and the Holocaust project.


Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
Ph.D, History

Tulane University, New Orleans, LA
M.A., History

University of Massachusetts, Lowell, MA
B.A., History & English
Cum laude


• Currently preparing a dissertation on the reactions of Southern civilians on the Confederate homefront during the American Civil War.
• Wrote master's thesis on the responses of Southern women on the Civil War homefront.
• Hired as a Research Assistant for noted historian Edgar Byron-Smith. Researched, proofed, checked and approved footnotes, and copy-edited material to support research on twentieth-century American culture. 2000-2002
• Hired as a Research Assistant for historian Gary Thompson. Conducted independent research, proofed, confirmed footnotes, and copy-edited to support his work on the history of public health in the state of Georgia. 1999-2001
• Researched, designed and set up "Made for the Trade: Seminole Tourist Art in the Twentieth Century," an exhibit at the Florida Museum of Natural History. 1998-1999
• Chosen to research, write and edit entry on "Women," for an upcoming Civil War Encyclopedia.
• Published 4 book reviews in professional historical journals.
• Presented dissertation findings at 2 historical conferences, with 2 more proposed for 2005.
• Researched and prepared classroom teaching, class reading and assignments for instructor positions.


• Taught as an Adjunct Instructor at Lesley College, Boston, MA for "Democracy, Dissent, and Disunion: The United States, 1815-1877." Summer 2003
• Assistant for "Cultural Diversity" at Tulane University. Fall 2000


• Received a national grant: the Paul M. Frank Grant from the American Historical Association to do research in the archives of South Carolina. 2003-2004
• Received a national Women's Studies Research Grant from Duke University to support doctoral work. Spring 2003
• Received a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dissertation Fellowship from Tulane University to finish writing dissertation. 2002
• John Pozzetta Fellow, Department of History, Tulane University. 2002
• Grinter Fellow, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Tulane University. 1999-2000
• Richard J. Miaubach Fellow, Tulane University. 1997-1998
• Simon & Judie Klein Scholarship, University of Massachusetts, Lowell. 1997


"Women." Howard S. Heidler and Marilyn T. Heidler, eds., Encyclopedia of the American Civil War. ABC-CLIO, 2004.


• "'Untiring in their Efforts': Female Outrage and Confederate Action," Southern Historical Association Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, November 8-11, 2005 (Proposed).
• "'An Army of Women': Defenders of the Confederate Homefront, 1864-1865," Fifth Southern Conference on Women's History, Southern Association for Women Historians, Richmond, Virginia, June 15-17, 2005 (Proposed).
• "'Full of Fire and Patriotism': South Carolina Women in the Path of Sherman," St. George Tucker Society Meeting, Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia, June 4-6, 2002.
• "'War Means Ruin and Misery': The Rape of the Confederate Homefront," Eleventh Annual History Forum at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, April 16-17, 2001.


• Julie A. Doyle, John David Smith, and Richard M. McMurry, eds., This Wilderness of War: The Civil War Letters of George W. Squier, Hoosier Volunteer (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2004) and J. Roderick Heller III and Carolynn Ayres Heller, eds., The Confederacy Is on Her Way Up the Spout: Letters to South Carolina, 1861-1864 (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2004) in North Carolina Historical Review (July 2004).
• John L. Heatwole, The Burning: Sheridan in the Shenandoah Valley (Charlottesville, Va.: Howell Press, 2004) in Civil War History (Forthcoming).
• Lucinda MacKethan, ed., Recollections of a Southern Daughter: A Memoir by Cornelia Jones Pond of Liberty County (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2004) in The Georgia Historical Quarterly (Forthcoming).
• Dorothy Denneen Volo and James M. Volo, Daily Life in Civil War America (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2003) in Civil War History (Forthcoming).

PRWRA Gail Frank - Frankly Speaking - Tampa, FL 33626 - http://www.callfranklyspeaking.com - gailfrank@post.harvard.edu - (813) 926-1353 - (813) 926-1092 fax