
Bioengineering Research Assistant

Drew Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


• Excellent analytical and quantitative abilities in team building, communications, organization and strategic planning.

• Highly skilled in project supervision, multi-media presentations, information technology, report generation, technical research and team participation.

• Coordinate a wide variety of team projects, including database management and the formulation of quantitative/analytical engineering models for applications in the medical, space and aircraft design industries.

• Effectively plan and conduct technical presentations in a professional manner for executive audiences; research and produce articles and reports for publication.

• Consistently recognized by executive management and colleagues for cross-discipline talents in needs analysis, troubleshooting and problem resolution in high-pressure, technical environments.


• Knowledge of Windows 98/NT, UNIX, DOS, BASIC, Pascal, HTML, MS Office, FrameMaker and Internet applications.
• Familiar with AutoCAD, Pro/ENGINEER, I-DEAS, Maple, Mathematica and programming with MATLAB (SIMULINK, Nonlinear Identification Toolkit, Image Processing Toolbox).
• Currently hold an Engineer-in-Training license #XE093436 through the California Department of Consumer Affairs since 1994.


Boston Hospital, Boston, MA
1996 - 1998
Bioengineering Research Assistant
Responsible for project consulting with an interdisciplinary team tasked with studying applications between mechanical engineering and cardiopulmonary physiology.

• Worked closely with doctoral biomedical engineers, medical staff and physicists in data collection, analysis and solution generation.
• Team-led the development of new methodologies for analyses of a variety of medical data per Positron Emission Tomography (PET) applications.
• Personally drove a project to develop a mathematical model to analyze PET data; quantitatively tracked gas exchange in lungs using PET medical images.
• Efficiently partnered with team members in over 72 full-day PET experiments, along with generation of collaboratory protocols and procedures.
• Key participant in 10 major bioengineering projects, as well as author of 2 papers presented during conferences of the American Thoracic Society & Biomedical Engineering Society from 1997-1999.
• Also submitted original research for publication in 4 different biomedical engineering & medical journals.

Rockwell Space Systems Division, Downey, CA
1995 - 1996
Technical Assistant
Key participant with senior engineers in the dynamic/structural analyses of current/advanced versions of Space Shuttle payloads during on-orbit flight phases.
• Served as a co-author for many detailed in-house reports for tracking and monitoring project activity.
• Revised and updated spreadsheet programs for quantifying and summarizing on-orbit loads for U.S. shuttle missions with the Russian Space Station, "Mir".

C&D Interiors, Inc, Huntington Beach, CA
1994 - 1995
Tasked with a case study involving the testing of miniature honeycomb panel sandwich structures for mechanical strength and flammability properties for aircraft applications.
• Recommended numerous modifications to select better materials, meet specifications and enhance redesign efforts.
• Created and updated a searchable database to collate and analyze test results.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA
M.S., Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 4.2, • Researched and wrote a thesis in bioengineering entitled, "Quantification of Regional Perfusion, Shunt Fraction and Ventilation Using Positron Emission Tomography: A Nonlinear Tracer Kinetics Model".
• Vice President of Young Alumni with the MIT Club of Southern California.

Loyola Marymount University
B.S., Mechanical Engineering
GPA: 4.0, • Completed several engineering projects involving mechanical and automotive applications.
• Recognized as "1995 LMU Outstanding Graduate in Mechanical Engineering"; "1995 LMU Senior Mechanical Engineering Student of the Year"; and "1994 LMU Junior Mechanical Engineering Student of the Year".
• Member of several key honorary societies, such as Tau Beta Pi and "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges".


American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Society of Automotive Engineers.

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