
Architecture Student

Robin Saunders
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Third-year student of architecture inspired by the nuances of urban and community housing designs that both enhance and complement the existing neighbourhood and incorporate the best of modern technologies for energy efficiency and sustainability. An analytical thinker; acknowledged throughout academic training for capacity to absorb information, develop inventive and imaginative solutions, and communicate strategies and concepts clearly. Focused, well organised, and systematic in approach to problem solving. Keen to refine creative ingenuity and technical craftsmanship in preparation for professional internship.

Expertly trained in:
• Model Making • Structural, Mechanical Analysis
• Project Coordination • Design & Conservation
• Collaborative Design • Site Contour Modelling
• Collages & Sketches • Technical Integration Strategies
• Urban Design • Structural Fundamentals & Schematics
• Client Consultations and Briefings • Site Analysis and Planning
• Technology snapshot: PhotoShop, Internet, email, Microsoft Office; ArchiCAD (for site contours)


University of Sunshine Coast, Australia
Anticipated 2006

High School Education
Participant, Gifted & Talented Education (GATE)

Southside Secondary College, Florida, USA


Published in IY Architecture Review 2002 for "Entrance to activities hall in winter morning sun"
Drawing selected for expressed feeling of space.

Published in EW Architecture 2001 for "Section through potting shed in the landscape."
Drawing selected as a study in communicating use of interior and exterior space.

Volunteered for expert mentoring under architectural-industry scheme designed to partner
accomplished students of architecture with leading industry figures.

Dean's Commendation for "Academic Achievement"

Winner, 2nd Place Award: Florida Young Artist Competition for Mixed Media (1999)

Winner, "Most Outstanding" at Tennessee Art Contest for all categories (1999)

Winner, Melbourne Young Artist Competition for sculpture (1998)

"Honourable Mention" at Florida Art Contest for sculpture (1998)

Selected to present to staff and parents of Valley State School. One of only five from class selected.


Design Class, The Potting Shed
Brief: Layout elements of a potting shed, garden, library, studio, and retreat on a large sloping site with a house under construction. Project focused on the picturesque landscape and its relationship to the building.
Result: High Distinction
Collaborated on initial layouts as part of a team of four, and later designed a potting shed and sustainable garden as a solo activity. Complicated by the rapid departure of two group members, shouldered the entire project as part of a two-person team producing drawings at the final critique. Personally researched sustainability and permaculture.

Design Class, Valley State School Activities Hall
Brief: Design a multi-purpose community activities hall for an inner-city primary school as part of the school's "real-life" intention to expand. Cost constraints, practicality of site positioning, and reflection on the security and safety of children were critical project considerations.
Result: Distinction
Personally designed flexible and easy-to-maintain building, complementing the existing colonial schoolhouse complete with carefully designed activity space as research indicated were needed by children. Presented in the exhibition area for the final critique, and won selection to present to the faculty and parents of the Toowong State School.

Design Class, Community Baptist Church
Brief: Uncover the preferences of community groups through consultation and workshops for the design of a new church to replace existing dilapidated construction. Design considerations included iconic appeal, cost-effectiveness, main road visibility, and flexibility.
Result: Distinction
Robust discussions and complex decision-making hallmarked the collaboration between 16 original team members designing and promoting the 2 x ½-day workshops to invite community comment at the existing site. Joined forces to devise brief including research, site analysis and workshop information. All information was collected and bound for the community to reflect on during future development discussions. Personally measured the site and existing buildings and worked in partnership on contours and vegetation producing a usable plan to scale. Achieved brief of being visually iconic and cost effective; designed coherent and usable interior and exterior spaces flexible to both church constituents and community groups using the area for training and other activities.

Technology, Flinders Street Analysis
Brief: Research, document, and analyse building, providing a report on design features, architectural concepts and strategies, construction process, and structural analysis.
Result: Distinction
Despite limited available information resources, team member absenteeism, and conflicting time schedules, delivered project on time, personally contributing five of the twelve A3 sheets for the Photoshop presentation. Conducted intensive research on history and the construction process, and presented to the head of the department.


Member and Vice President, Honour Society, Southside Secondary College, Florida USA
Member, Alpha (Math Club) (1997-1998),
School Representative, Regional Maths Competition
Co-creator of the Art Society

Competitor, Florida Riders Swim Team (1990-1997)
Junior National Relay member (1996); State Champion (1996); Regional Qualifier (1994/1995/1996); Zone Qualifier (1995/1995/1996); State Champion (1994)

PRWRA Gayle Howard - Top Margin Resumes Online - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3116 - http://www.topmargin.com - getinterviews@topmargin.com - (61) 3 9726 6694 - (61) 3 9726 5316 fax