
Financial Accountant

Jordan Winters
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234

Professional Member, National Institute of Accountants

Seasoned financial and management accountant acknowledged for sound decision-making talents borne of intense analysis, business acuity, ongoing education, and big picture vision. Strategic, methodical and reliable; enjoy the challenge of resolving long-term issues eluding prior incumbents, and influencing revenue positive outcomes. Enthusiastic and accountable leader and independent worker. Recognized for calm demeanor in mediating conflict, and tireless pursuit of delivering consensus amongst stakeholders with diverse agendas. Enjoy opportunities to think “outside the square” deriving new solutions to old problems through strategic information gathering, data collection, and comprehensive scrutiny. Persuasive and concise communicator; expert in modifying complex technical information for multiple audiences, and coaching subordinates for greater productivity and understanding.

Professional strengths include:
• Financial Accounting
• Business Plan Development
• Budget Administration
• Resource Allocations
• Business Consultancy
• FBT & Financial Reporting
• GST & BAS Returns
• Variance Analysis
• Trust Account Administration
• Client Relationship Management
• HR Management & Training
• Job Costing
• Feasibility Analysis
• Property Asset Management
• Profit & Loss Analysis
• Cost Avoidance
• Financial & Investment Analysis
• Strategic Planning
• Efficiency Improvements
• Revenue Enhancements

Technology: Excel, Lotus 1-2-3, Access, Word, Navision, BusinessCraft, and Property Asset Management system


Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting, University of Southern Queensland (2001)
Associate Diploma of Business (Accounting), Chisholm TAFE College (1995)


2003 to Present
Financial Accountant
Confronted upon commencement with a department impacted negatively through historically inefficient work practices, lack of training and follow-up, and customized industry-specific software unable to produce the caliber of financial reports critical for management to forecast continued business health.
· Conceived, launched, and solidified changes to the company’s existing job costing reporting model to refine profit recognition for each construction project. Independently researched and learned the BusinessCraft job costing module, and embarked on a time-intensive manual check of 800 projects—scrutinizing revenues, expenditures, and generated margins.
· Overcame existing system deficiencies in cash flow forecasting by developing a tool for management to capture accurate information on cash holdings that would aid future decision-making. Designed Excel spreadsheet that integrated with the legacy BusinessCraft system, identifying negative cash flow scenarios, income and expenditure details, closing bank balances, and borrowings.
· Corrected adhoc “system” that continually failed to produce monthly CEO financial reports to deadline. Devised and rigorously enforced compliance to new timelines, articulating the criticality of bank compliance commitments. All reports now consistently meet targets internally, with external stakeholders receiving monthly and quarterly reports that meticulously conform to policy.
· Uncovered and corrected erroneously allocated assets causing understated depreciation figures.
· Eliminated backlog of depreciation adjustments for 2002/2003 financial year, substituting actual depreciation entries in favor of end-of-year corrections. New system provides greater accuracy in financial statements for at-a-glance management review.
· Created easy-to-read, streamlined financial document for use by banks, company management, insurance companies, and other external stakeholders. Extracted raw data from the BusinessCraft software and embedded into personally designed template-driven Excel spreadsheets.
· Assumed complete management of a $2.4M annual supplier account averaging 260 separate invoices monthly. Exposed processing errors and ensured complete accuracy for on-time billing.
· Modified existing budget spreadsheets producing newly revised cash flows for 4-month period aiding management decision-making in land acquisitions and cash flow feasibility.
· Identified balance sheet discrepancies with potential to distort assets and liability records by understating key staff uniform accounts. Probed and reconciled data and processed corrections.
· Painstakingly recorded all cash receipts and payments over 9-months, and produced a complete set of financial reports including reconciliations, P/L statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement for FCA (Finance Concepts Australia) the company’s finance broking arm.
· Selected by Financial Controller to complete 2001/2002 financial reports for the company directors’ two superannuation funds.

2001 to 2003
Franchise Accountant, Elite Customer Solutions (a BP Australia subsidiary)
Appointed to a permanent role 6 months into a 12-month contract, with a brief to elicit franchise owner compliance towards all recordkeeping and procedural issues across 30 individual sites. With reporting processes complicated by the antiquated VAX computerized system, quickly assimilated to the challenges of financial reporting and reconciliations, and later transitioned seamlessly to the vastly improved new system Navision, post implementation.
Examined and analyzed franchisees’ income and expenditures to provide each business owner with a subjective third party view that offered tangible feedback on financial business performances, and uncovered trends impacting continued financial viability.
Contributions & Results:
· Identified stock discrepancy in a franchisee’s P&L report that had distorted balance sheet statistics, and impeded the progress of the company’s taxation return. Conducted exhaustive analysis of profit and loss data, exposed inventory issue, and produced revised reports for external accountancy firm, circumventing potentially damaging complaint to management set to reveal inadequacies of previous franchise accountants, the computerized system, and lack of documentation and financial controls.
· Dramatically reduced potential for error by instigating a software enhancement reminding franchise accountants that management approval was required on journal entries over $100K. Initiative strengthened internal control reporting infrastructure and eliminated regular lapses of franchise accountants seeking management approvals.
· Conceived and developed a funds statement model via spreadsheet that monitored inbound and outbound funds and offered the financial clarity critical for a franchisee of 12 sites to identify data irregularities impacting cash flows, and improve the quality of decision-making.
· Facilitated the net asset settlement of 12 franchises to BP in just 5 months—the first multi-site closure and transfer of assets in the company’s franchise history. Coordinated recording and processing of 300 outstanding invoices, staff wages, merchandise, and rent, and developed an Excel spreadsheet to monitor all inbound/outbound funds, meeting strict deadlines.
· Conducted on-the-job bank reconciliation training to new recruits using the VAX accounting system. Increased staff knowledge reduced the reliance on senior personnel to provide routine assistance, and boosted across-the-board departmental efficiencies.
· Reversed ad hoc approach to physical stock takes, recommending a perpetual system that tackled the mounting incidences of stock errors.
· Reinforced the importance of franchisee compliance towards achieving expected gross profit margins for merchandise sales. Analyzed 30 separate sites and liaised with site managers to resolve variances.

Assistant Accountant, PLAN International • Assistant Accountant, Police Association Credit Cooperative Ltd • Assistant Accountant, Smart Aluminum
Short-term engagements preparing year-end statutory reports, reconciling payroll, GST and business accounts, raising financial reports, creating spreadsheets, and analyzing investments.

1996 to 2001
Manager, Client Financial Services (2000-2001)
Promoted from Property Accountant to Manager, Client Financial Services on recommendation of departing incumbent. Led team of 8 to achieve deadline-dependent financial reporting tasks and daily administrative matters, and played an instrumental role in reinforcing compliance to sound accounting principles and real estate trust regulations for the annual departmental audit judged to be efficiently executing its obligations.
Selected contributions:
· Eliminated backlog of 100 properties within the Waverley portfolio with incomplete budgeted and expenditure forecasts, stemming from missed deadlines. Arrested tenant and property owner conflict, minimized time delays, and alleviated management concerns, by shouldering much of the burden for producing expenditure forecasts, and analyzing profit potential for long-term decision-making.
· Won outstanding performance reviews via 360-degree feedback from staff citing high leadership competencies as the key instigator to improved morale and productivity.
· Delivered $5,000 saving by preparing settlement statement for vendor in property disposal.
· Relieved the burden of routine processing tasks imposed on senior staff. Won approval to recruit an additional administrative team member to handle time intensive, everyday procedures.

Property Accountant (1996-2000)
Developed monthly financial reports and budgets for a portfolio of 40 commercial and industrial properties generating $19+ million annually, as well as 5 “A” grade properties owned by international/corporate entities, contributing $5-10 million annually. Prepared profit and loss statements and balance sheets, reconciled budgets against actual expenditures for each property, devised cash flow budgets, prepared GST/BAS returns, and briefed auditors.
· Delivered estimated $20,000 in savings annually by educating property managers on the correct methodology for processing and approving electronic purchase orders and invoices on the newly enhanced PAMS (Property Asset Management System) software.

1987 to 1996
Finance & Budgets Officer (1993-1996)
Accounts Receivable Officer (1989-1990)
Accounts Payable Officer (1990-1993)
Rates/Administrative Officer (1987-1989)
· As Finance & Budgets Officer, prepared the $55 million annual budget including budget projections for servicing debt, administered a $25-30 million investment portfolio, and produced financial reports for 25 business units. Consulted business managers on improving financial management, containing costs, and preparing tenders. Executed computerized budget management system improving quality of financial reports and overall departmental efficiency.
· As Accounts Payable Officer, processed 500 creditor invoices monthly, maintained the assets register, built relationships with key creditors, and processed FBT returns.
· As Accounts Receivable Officer reduced days’ accounts outstanding through mediation and negotiation.

1985 to 1987
Customer Service Officer
Gayle M. Howard -getinterviews@topmargin.com - Top Margin - http://www.topmargin.com