
IT Systems Administrator

Lee Robertson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


MICROSOFT CERTIFIED SYSTEMS ENGINEER (MCSE) with extensive network diverse technical experience in the IT field, emphasizing network administration and PC support. Excellent problem solver with strong communication, team player and interpersonal skills. Skilled supervisor and manager. Experience includes:

• Network Planning • System Integration • Switches & Hubs
• Frame Relay Networking • Software Configuration • Router Configuration
• Telephony & Fiber Optics • TCP/IP • Network Firewalls
• Internet Information Server • Hardware Configuration • ISDN / T1 Lines


Herzing College, WI
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer Curriculum

University of Wisconsin, WI
Bachelor of Science, Computer Information Systems


Octagon Systems Inc., Athens, OH
1997 - Present
IT Systems Manager
Directed a team of PC Technicians, a Network Administrator / Analyst, and two Help Desk personnel in the management of all facets of information technology for this 2000 person financial planning firm.

Provided support and planning for critical requirements including: Network Administration, Computer Builds, Software Loads, Product Testing, Telephony, End-User Support & Training, Vendor Relations, Project Management.

Critical contributions included:

• Networking: Planned and integrated a 12-office Windows NT 4.0 Domain with over 800 computers. Administered primary and back-up domain controllers, file servers, print servers, proxy server, and e-mail server. Introduced thin client technology through dial-in connection for remote administration.

• Computer Network Security: Implemented policies for employee use of Internet and e-mail. Utilized Geotech Firewall and monitored proxy server.

• Telephony Administration: Integrated voice over IP to reduce phone bills between offices. Equipment paid for itself in six weeks, and introduced a monthly savings of $6K. Managed Audix phone system.

• Technical Support: Provided technical support and end-user training to internal and external customers on network, software, and computer systems.

• Vendor Relations: Negotiated all hardware and software purchases for company, successfully saving thousands during new network integration.

Octagon Systems Inc., Athens, OH
1994 - 1997
PC Technician


• Operating Systems: Windows NT, Windows NT Server, NT Terminal Server, NT Workstation, Windows 2000 Pro, UNIX SUN, and MAC.
• Software: MS Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access), MS Outlook, and Norton.

PRWRA Laura DeCarlo - A Competitive Edge Career Service - http://www.acompetitiveedge.com - getanedge@aol.com