
Petroleum Land Management

Sam Sterling
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Landman with more than 15 years experience. Primary expertise involves the acquisition and divestiture of producing and non-producing oil and gas properties, pipeline gathering systems, and undeveloped real estate properties. Helped to formulate automated systems in a due diligence environment. Additional experience includes landowner relations, land support, courthouse research, title examination, troubleshooting difficult title problems and curing title defects, and abstracting.


Manning Corporation, Houston, Texas
1999 - Present
• Participated on a 15-member team of landmen representing Manning Corporation in the acquisition of Baker Resources in Amarillo, Texas, working on more than 600 properties worth $219 million. Contributed to the recognition of over $6 million in title defects.
• Participated on a 10-member due diligence team at Manning Corporation responsible for the transfer of pipeline gathering system assets from Texas Resources Co. to Gulf Pipeline Company.
• Served on a 10-member team representing purchaser in $30 million acquisition of Westfillia properties from Ulta Oil and Chemical Company. Contributed to the recognition of more than $4 million in title defects and reduction in sales price.

Oxidental Corporation, Houston, Texas
1994 - 1999
Involved in the acquisition and divestiture of more than $.5 billion in oil and gas properties and pipeline gathering systems throughout the United States. Gained working experience in land administration, fieldwide unitization, CO2 gas unitization, and real estate sales. Reported to the Manager of Land Administration and the Vice President / Chief Legal Counsel of Exploration and Production. Interacted with land administration personnel, geologists, engineers, and accountants, as well as mapping services and field personnel.

• Conducted due diligence, performed property evaluations, prepared legal exhibits and data packages for seller, resolved title problems as part of pre-closing and post-closing requirements, verified working interests and net revenue interests, and prepared the required assignment forms for the transfer of federal, state, and Native American leases
• Participated in a major asset rationalization project, selling off a substantial portion of company's asset base worth more than $400 million
• Created comprehensive spreadsheets detailing all surface and mineral properties owned by U.S. Exploration and Production
• Developed and maintained real estate catalogues used internally by exploration and production departments, property tax accounting, and land records
• Identified surplus properties and was involved in the sale of more than $10 million in real estate properties
• Led 3-member team conducting the due diligence, as well as preparing and compiling data packages, assignments, and exhibits for the sale of Texas and New Mexico marginal properties through the Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse auction process. Met all deadlines and located more than $1 million in additional value

Bradford Energy, Houston, Texas
1993 - 1994
Consolidated, reorganized, and standardized land lease files previously accumulated through property acquisitions. Recognized for significantly increasing the valuation of New Mexico properties by reorganizing files to provide actual title documentation to support ownership interests shown in presentations to sell the company. Performed in-house due diligence. Prepared all legal exhibits, assignments, and Bureau of Natural Resources assignment forms associated with the sale of Michigan properties.

Standard Exploration U.S., Inc, Houston, Texas
1992 - 1993
Recruited to further research title problems relative to Standard's interest in the Helix Secondary Recovery Unit, discovered while conducting buyer due diligence for another client. Performed the groundwork for the correction of title defects. Conducted property evaluations as a member of the revenue recovery breakthrough team that recovered more than $.5 million in past due production monies.

SFB Incorporated, Midland, Texas
1984 - 1992
• Recruited to expedite completion of surface, mineral, and leasehold reports for pending 3-D seismic shoot covering 20,000-plus acres in the Mesa Verde Area, Brooks County, Texas. Analyzed the information, developed the report formats, and assimilated the data into reports and detailed maps for presentation to client within time guidelines.
• Led curative team responsible for producing run sheets for Acme Resources Company's active drilling program in Austin Badlands Area, and trained recent petroleum landman graduates how to perform courthouse research.
• Participated in numerous lease acquisition plays, successfully negotiating leases within the terms and dollar amount stipulated by clients.


The University of Texas, Austin, Texas
B.A., Petroleum Land Management
Completed numerous seminars on examining and curing title defects.


• Microsoft Windows NT and 98
• Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and Outlook)
• IBS Lease Data IV


American Association of Petroleum Landmen (AAPL)
Houston Marathon Committee Member

PRWRA Sandy Hild - The Résumé Doctor - Theresumedoctor@aol.com - resumespecialist@yahoo.com - http://www.theresumedoctor.com