
Sound Engineer Recent Graduate

Drew Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234

Sound Engineer ~ Graduate

A passion for technical excellence, an intense commitment to deliver to deadline, and the vision to inject creativity into everyday tasks, are performance characteristics that have underscored work ethic throughout university studies, and hands-on freelance assignments in sound engineering. Acknowledged by lecturers, and clients as a meticulous trouble-shooter, rapid-paced learner, and independent thinker. Dedicated to enriching and maintaining the integrity of musical compositions of all genres, optimizing sound quality, capitalizing on equipment capabilities, and making a high-impact ‘behind-the-scenes’ contribution.

Value Offered
Ÿ Sound Engineering
Ÿ Mixing and Synthesis
Ÿ Advanced MIDI Application
Ÿ Digital and Analogue Editing
Ÿ Time Management
Ÿ Microphone Technique
Ÿ Video Editing
Ÿ Script Writing
Ÿ Real-time Digital Signal Processing
Ÿ Sound Reinforcement
Ÿ Control Surface
Ÿ Analogue Mixing Desk
Ÿ Instrument, Voice & Foley Recordings

Technology Snapshot: ProTools, Cubase, Logic, Cool Edit, DSP, Final Cut Pro, Premiere, Reason, Logic Control, Control 24, 02R, analogue desks.


Bachelor of Arts Communication
University of California

Academic Highlights
Recent examples of academic projects, challenges, and team work that support career goals

Music Technology
Solo project to produce a 24-track maximum, 5-minute recording. Secured services of popular local bands—Five Flavored and Fergus Recliner, to donate time to the project. Project challenges included band members with limited availability, excess noise on the night of recording due to a music festival, and a faulty analogue-to-digital converter.
· Overcame external noise leakage and faulty equipment, by altering layout recording plan to four microphones, no drum effects, and two tracks for keyboard. Fine-tuned gates and expanders to eliminate ambient sound from the festival.
· Awarded a distinction for efforts. As evaluated by lecturer, “This is a very slick recording. Well done. The documentation is great, and the data sessions well organized; the project is of a high standard.”

Media Arts—Sound Project
Independently recorded and mixed original music composition by local band, and augmented presentation with a re-mixed compilation of previous recordings presented as a sound biography. Achieved distinction result and top-of-the-class status for the subject.

Live Content
Produced 10-minutes of material focusing on MIDI in a live context using self-designed patches and networks, real-time digital signal processing, and sound reinforcement. 1-hour prior to performance, requested equipment had been incorrectly supplied, monitor connections were incompatible, and MIDI Controller Driver had been deleted. Quickly sourced correct monitors, installed back-up drivers on computer, and identified and resolved mixer issues affecting the PA system. Successfully performed on video before lecturers, achieving credit result.

Special Freelance Projects

Tapestries of Melody
Recorded and arranged a CD of eight classical Indian, Irish, folk, and improvised musical compositions featuring ten instruments and several solo vocals. Produced a brief, biographical music showcase, interspersed with audio commentary by the group’s founder edited from forty-minutes of discussion to four-minutes of highlights.
· Promotional tool was an outstanding success, scoring job offers for the group throughout Rocklin, and prompting a request to coordinate the group’s live audio during their appearance at the Rocklin Global Carnival—the largest world music festival in the state.
· Produced Tapestries of Melody recordings over 5-days in a secluded mountain retreat. Captured unique feel of the group by experimenting with the use of microphones designed to capture the band, while eliminating extraneous household and instrument sounds. Devoted more than fifty-hours to mixing twenty-two songs at both the retreat and in studio, and ten-hours editing the biography showcase.

Other Projects
· Entrusted by folk rock band Fergus Settee to resolve quality issues surrounding poor mix and distorted kick drum sound in separate tracks produced during a “rush job” by another sound engineer. Went back to basics and remixed songs to the band’s satisfaction.
· Recorded studio songs and mixed live music tracks for Fergus Settee entitled The Fisherman, Brown Cow, Mystery Train, The Letter, The Recliner, and Holding On. Resolved flawed vocals and misplayed notes during mixing process. Musical compositions mixed have since received frequent radio airing.
· Recorded eight songs for a classical group from India with forty-members, including five solo vocalists, thirty-person choir, and instruments including flute, guitar, veena, harmonium, violin, Jews Harp, and percussion section. With all group members new to studio environments, addressed all members on control room protocols, procedures, and expectations of the recording sessions.
· Coordinated equipment hiring and mixed songs for three bands for a live community event. Overcame power-line electrical noise through the PA to deliver a sound performance commended by all bands as “the best on stage sound they have ever had.”

Casual Work Experience

Radio 3KY Rocklin
Production Assistant
Independently networked among contacts to secure rare work experience opportunity with prominent radio station Radio 3KY Rocklin. Reporting to the Manager of In-House Promotions gained first-hand knowledge of operations, equipment, and broadcasting through observation and limited ‘hands-on’ tasks.
· Contributed to round-table discussions on up-coming promotions for on-air personalities, as well as strategies for marketing the prominent sports events.
· Trained in the use of RCS Selector and the Yamaha O2R digital mixing desk connected to DSP editing software where promotional clips were produced.

Work Experience/Assistant to Senior Sound Engineer
Experience/observation engagement that provided insight into the technical aspects of compression. Learned methods for communicating with clients and talent to convey a genuine commitment to achieving the best outcomes possible.
· Edited raw voice recording, adding sound effects and mixing it to DAT format. The production was considered superior with the artist using it as a talent showcase for securing new projects.
· Produced sound designs in studio that were included in advertisement development project.
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