
Corporate Attorney Best

Lynn Cordova
18293 Sunset Circle, Boise, ID 74309 / Tel# (816) 555-5237 Email: lcordova@myisp.com

Corporate Attorney


Corporate Attorney acknowledged for delivering win-win outcomes in corporate litigation matters. History of successfully negotiating settlements based upon sound and resourceful pretrial strategies, and winning dismissals in State and Federal Courts. Generated up to $1 million in fees for partnership in last three years, demonstrating extensive experience in employing client retention strategies that build loyalty and enhance attorney-client relationships.


· Over 250 cases brought to verdict, receiving favorable judgments in 83% of cases, appearing in District, Superior, State, and Supreme Courts.
· Received an immediate $100,000 settlement due to thorough investigation and preparation.
· Directed legal counsel and litigation for a multi-million-dollar software and services firm, interpreting and advising on rapidly evolving intellectual property law.
· Represented anti-trust and intellectual property concerns of the software industry to federal legislators and administrative officials.
· Over 10 years accumulated management experience monitoring expenditures and leading billing and administrative teams to optimize operational efficiencies.


1997 - Present
Corporate Attorney
Provided leadership to law firm as senior partner in corporate law. Contributed over $1 million in billable hours, litigating cases in State and Federal Courts to accomplish win-win outcomes. Initiated and defended cases handling initial pleadings, discovery, motions, trial preparation, and negotiations. Numerous victories for clients include a successful minority dispute action yielding a six-figure settlement that avoided protracted legal proceedings; and a summary judgment motion, brief, and exhibits that led to the swift exoneration of a client.
· Monitored expenditures, oversaw paralegals and administrative staff, and consulted with colleagues as a primary source of information for complex corporate litigation matters.
· Personally conducted case citing causes for action for breach of contract, fraud, misrepresentation and RICO, that produced an immediate $100,000 offer of compensation.
· Defended attorney and law firm from a "Wrongful Use of Civil Proceedings" action in State Court. Researched, compiled and presented successful summary judgment motion and brief, resulting in dismissal of case by the trial court.
· Settled disputed stock value case through a strategized series of tactics in relationship-building and communication.

1994 - 1997
Vice President and General Counsel
Directed department of seven attorneys and 35 support staff providing legal services for all aspects of software publication and consulting services enterprise. Focused legal research activities on supporting corporate product development goals. Authorized case settlements up to limits set by Board of Directors and President. Participated in industry-wide legislation studies.
· Managed legal and support staff to maintain the highest legal and professional standards.
· Organized and directed weekly leadership councils to coordinate litigation activities.
· Established legal research priorities and goals to support and enhance company intellectual property assets.
· Represented company at federal hearings to inform action on pending legislation related to computer software production, distribution, and usage.
· Interpreted state and federal legislation and rulings to advise senior management and the board on legal implications for existing business practices.

1988 - 1994
Associate General Counsel
Managed litigation and general services for software and services enterprise, including contract review, license wording, copyright infringement, anti-trust suits, and product liability claims. Reviewed competing products for potential intellectual property actions. Assisted with patent and trademark applications and enforcement.
· Represented company in litigation, achieving a 93% success rate including awards and settlements.
· Conducted corporate leadership briefings to inform management about implications of legislation and judicial rulings.
· Met with major clients to explain product warranty, reducing liability claims by 42%.
· Institutionalized legal review of product development strategies to identify potential issues.

1980 - 1988
Associate Attorney
Served as associate for nationally-recognized personal injury firm, specializing in plaintiff’s law covering personal, financial, and workplace injury.
· Interviewed clients to determine case merit and viability, executed terms, reviewed fees, and discussed case strategy directly with clients.
· Conducted discovery, including interrogatories, document requests, depositions, witness interviews, medical evaluations, and site inspections to prepare stronger case.
· Prepared, reviewed, and filed motions and petitions on client’s behalf.
· Met and conferred with opposing counsel, filed complaints, answered cross-complaints, negotiated and settled cases prior to litigation.
· Assisted with over 150 cases, ranging up to multi-million dollar awards, requiring high levels of efficient case management.

1976 - 1980
Law Clerk
Assisted in preparing criminal judicial opinions. Wrote memoranda related to client petitions, omnibus pre-trial motions, post-sentence motions, and other orders of the court. Conducted legal research and analysis on state and federal statutory and case law.
· Monitored and reduced courtroom downtime by 15%.
· Assisted in preparing civil judicial opinions and disposing outstanding cases, including civil settlement conferences, to increase judicial efficiency.
· Managed outstanding motions list to facilitate prioritization by judges.
· Filed court reports, maintaining a perfect on-time rate during tenure.


Juris Doctor, 1976
Idaho University, Coeur d’Alene, ID
Secretary of Student Bar Association; Honors in Legal Writing

Bachelor of Arts (Government and Politics), 1972
University of Boise, Boise, ID
Minor: Psychology


Licensed - Supreme Court of the United States of America, 1995
Member of Fourth Judicial District, 1984
Washington State Bar, 1980
Idaho State Bar, 1978
Association of Trial Lawyers of America
America Bar Association
Member of Idaho Chamber of Commerce