
Regional Human Resources Manager

Taylor Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Certified Team Management Systems Practitioner • Certified Workplace Trainer & Assessor

Senior human resources executive, change agent, and partner to business; expert in driving strategic change and consensus through sound corporate principles backed by vision and innovation. Acknowledged throughout career for employing clear ideals, standards, and integrity to the mix of leadership and decision making; consistently win the support of stakeholders through honesty, trust, and persuasive communications. An energetic promoter of new ideas and initiatives, and champion of collective brainstorming for greater perspective. Inspired by finding new ways, new methods, and new avenues to deliver business goals.

Professional strengths include:
• Performance Based Culture
• Productivity Increases
• Employee Retention

Technology: Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook, HRIS (Preceda), Internet & e-mail


University of Melbourne
Graduate Certificate in Management
Majors: HR, Organisation Design, Accounting & Marketing

University of Sydney
Bachelor of Arts (Honours)
Majors: English Literature, Drama, French

Hundreds of hours devoted to ongoing professional development via workshops, conferences, information sessions, and formal training courses. Includes: Advanced Certificate in Personnel Management, and Certificate IV Workplace Trainer and Assessor.


• Delivered $1.9 million in savings in just 2-years by arresting high employee turnover; encouraged 660 employees to remain with an organisation by communicating improved and highly-visible career progression opportunities, enhanced training, and tightened recruitment and performance management practices.
• Transformed the nation's worst performing region into a high-performing cohesive team-driving the largest cultural change program in the company's history.
• Produced innovative training initiative successfully adopted across nine regions. The "Clayton's Apprenticeship" regime delivered 10% increase in sales, and eased wages pressure through reduced reliance on overtime.
• Elevated the reputation and perception of an IT division struggling to win the respect and appreciation of other business units, and plagued with operational and recruitment issues. Steered complete change management process that rewarded on merit, reversed high staff turnover, and returned the business unit "to the company fold" as an integrated team.


1991 - Present

Regional Human Resources Manager
2001 - Present
Staff: 8 (HR specialists, training manager, administrative assistant, remuneration and benefits officer)
Scope of role: Strategic human resources management of 73 stores, employing 11,000 staff.
Budget: $5 million

Promoted to this newly-developed role to help drive revolutionary change throughout existing operational and cultural structures. With a new team, a recently appointed senior manager, and initial resistance displayed by a sceptical middle management, initial prospects for widespread acceptance of the initiative and rapid transition to its principles appeared daunting.

Immediately launched a "transparent communications" process that reinforced the advantages of improved hiring practices, tighter manager accountability, and employee tracking. Outcomes have been impressive. In 24 months $1.9 million in cost-savings were delivered from reduced employee turnover alone.

Special contributions:
• Cut staff turnover rates by 6% for the nation's worst performing region-representing 660 staff retained over the previous year. Surveyed exiting staff and identified lack of consistent shifts for casual staff and insufficient succession opportunities for salaried personnel as the fundamental catalysts to departure. Instigated philosophy of minimum shift hours for casual personnel, launched an 8-hour induction program, and revamped the development program to elevate the profile of career opportunities-"spreading the word" via in-store communications.
• Turned around stalled talent-identification, training and succession-planning program providing the critical training ground for transitioning high-potential staff through the ranks to management. Raised the profile of the program by reinforcing each manager's accountability for recognising and nurturing talent-boosting "certificated" trainees by 400% in just 2 years.
• Conceived and launched the "Clayton's Apprenticeship" training initiative designed to counter the marked decline in baking apprenticeships nation-wide, and boost sales through increased shelf products. Course graduates demonstrated baking competencies in producing the company product range, delivered a 10% increase in sales, and eased wages pressure through reduced reliance on overtime. The training initiative, now with three intakes yearly, has been adopted as standard across 9 regions, and continues to expand and deliver results.
• Spearheaded the "Development Squad"-a fast-track training solution for career development that condenses 2-years training into 6 intensive months. The pilot, delivered to an elite group of 50 certificated, high potential trainees has been designed to fill a forecasted short-term departmental management void; initial feedback appears favourable.
• Pioneered initiative of "school-based trainees"-an inventive scheme calculated to lessen the financial impact of training casual staff for peak periods by using and training graduating high school students. An attractive prospect to students, participants are rewarded by an accredited certificate reflecting on-the-job retail training, and the administrative costs are supported by the government.

IT Manager, IT Division
1999 - 2001
Direct Reports: 4 (human resources officers, remuneration and benefits officer, and building manager

Accepted challenge to reverse "damaged" IT division, negatively perceived throughout the organisation as a separate business unit with poor customer service, and a "stubborn" mindset that resisted change. Legacy recruitment practices appeared complex and inequitable, and employee turnover was high. Immediately reengineered processes to reward on merit and recruit in line with company "fit." Cut staff turnover rates from 22% in 1998 to 16% in 2001, and pioneered successful team-building workshops and one-on-one career coaching that instilled a future vision of accomplishment, growth, and prosperity.


Created and presented:
• Leadership & Management Development Programs
• Presentation Skills
• Advanced Facilitation Skills
• Effective Communication
• Conflict Resolution
• Recruitment Interview and Selection
• Coaching & Mentoring

PRWRA Gayle Howard - Top Margin Resumes Online - Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3116 - http://www.topmargin.com - getinterviews@topmargin.com - (61) 3 9726 6694 - (61) 3 9726 5316 fax