
Maintenance Supervisor Railroad

Renee McEvoy
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


· Accomplished supervisor with 20+ years management experience, directing all aspects of railroad infrastructure maintenance and construction. Recognized for solid work ethic and productivity. Good verbal and written communication skills facilitate conveying project requirements and delegating tasks.
· Excellent organizational skills; capable of prioritizing and managing heavy workflow to optimize time and resources. Service-oriented and driven to achieve goals. Able to supervise projects to meet challenging goals and objectives. Win through patience and resolve.
· Thrive in a team environment. Possess talent to motivate and work with people across a complex organization. Cognizant of labor agreements and apply provisions in effective manner.
· Recruit qualified suppliers and contractors. Negotiate favorable contracts and agreements with outside contractors and suppliers. Schedule labor to reduce downtime. Ensure completed work and materials meet established specs; review and inspect work in progress to confirm compliance.


GLTX - Bessemer & Lake Erie RR – Greenville, Pennsylvania
1978 – Present
MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR, Maintenance of Way Dept. (1989 – Present)
CARPENTER (1981 – 1985)
LABORER (1978 – 1981)
· Manage Track Department and supervise daily activity and productivity of personnel in construction and maintenance of main tracks, branches and yard tracks. Focus on maintenance contributed to achievement of no mainline derailments due to maintenance problems since the early 1990s.
· Oversee personnel in Bridge & Building Department; construct, maintain and repair buildings, bridges and various other facilities and structures. Plan, organize and execute day-to-day operations of bridge department. Simultaneously manage and coordinate multiple projects.
· Member of 4-person team to implement safety program. Achieved excellent safety record in 2003 with 1 FRA reportable and 0 lost time injuries.
· Able to plan operations and execute the plan. Thorough knowledge of building practices, labor, equipment and materials. Assemble and train a cohesive team; analyze and control schedules; implement cost controls. Oversee inspections of main lines, branches and yard tracks as required by FRA to verify maintenance is done properly and to minimize costly repairs.
· Provide annual work program (daily and seasonal) and information required to prepare capital budget. Estimate man-hours and material required for specific projects. Set specifications; requisition materials and equipment; obtain bids from contractors and suppliers. Completed 2003 Capital Program within 10% of forecast and ahead of December 31 deadline by several weeks.
· Coordinate schedules with other departments, outside contractors and internal staff to optimize time, manpower, equipment and material. Keep communication lines open between superiors, subordinates, outside people and self to promote accuracy and efficiency.
· Oversee and analyze activities as they take place and make updates and changes as needed for safe, efficient, successful completion of projects.


PA DOT Bridge Safety Inspection and Certification
Track Foreman Training
Lead-base Paint Abatement Supervisor Training
Tamper Application School
Derailment / Accident Investigation Course
Mobile Crane Safety
OSHA Safety and Health of the Construction Industry
Industrial Electricity
Harassment in the Workplace Awareness Training
Track Inspection (Zeta Tech.)
Roadway Worker Protection Training


A.S., Civil Engineer Tech, Youngstown State University – Youngstown, Ohio
A.S., Architectural Engineer Tech, Penn State University – Sharon, Pennsylvania

Jane Roqueplot - info@janecos.com - http://www.janecos.com