
Resumes by Industry: Technology Web Services

CTO Web Development

Jamie Hill
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Senior Consultant • Software/Technical Architect • Development Manager • CTO
Expertise in streaming media, web applications, content management, and website development

10–plus years exploiting advanced technologies to improve web-user experiences, is underscored by definitive expertise in conceiving and implementing internet solutions that elevate brand image, generate revenues, and provide the basis for cost-effective content management and expansion. Acknowledged throughout career as a service-centric and process-driven leader and trouble-shooter; a composer of clean code and concise documentation that fully details software development lifecycles from development environment to production. Expert in capitalizing on the advantages of web and streaming media technologies, creating usable and saleable products, steering projects at micro and macro levels, and delivering to specification, on time and on budget.

Professional strengths include:
Ÿ Project Planning and Management
Ÿ Usability and Accessibility
Ÿ Interface Design
Ÿ Database Development
Ÿ Critical Troubleshooting
Ÿ Cost Containment Initiatives
Ÿ Graphic Design Experience
Ÿ Application Documentation
Ÿ Team Leadership & Direction
Ÿ IT Consultancy
Ÿ Streaming Media Integration
Ÿ Tender Evaluations/Selection
Ÿ Client Relationship Management
Ÿ Revenue Generating Concepts
Ÿ Pre-Sales Negotiations
Ÿ Business Analysis
Ÿ Content Management
Ÿ Distributed Authoring
Ÿ Marketing Strategy
Ÿ Consensus Building
Ÿ End-User Training
Ÿ Application Development
Ÿ E-Learning Systems

Technology Snapshot

Web Technologies:
HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, PHP, ASP, SQL (Sybase, MS SQL, MySQL), VB Script, Lotus Domino, XML, Mozilla, Windows Media, Real Media, QuickTime, Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Image Development:
Photoshop, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Fireworks, Illustrator/Freehand, GIMP

Projects of Significance

Advanced Searchable Streaming Media
Designed and project-managed $200K searchable streaming media site for the Australian Football League that enabled users to view sporting event videos. As primary contact point for managing the client relationship, steered frequent teleconference discussions throughout design and technical decision-making, built consensus despite a range of differing management agendas, and proposed workable, streamlined strategies for overcoming technical flaws in existing systems.
Leading a team of three developers and document writer over 4-months during the project’s first and second phases, developed methodology for public and admin modules, produced and integrated database structure with Microsoft SQL Server, steered public site interface using ASP, conceived streaming media-based content management systems, and presided over testing and implementation.
This pioneering project was successfully and seamlessly deployed to deadline and within budget—the only group on this assignment to achieve this distinction.
· Personally conceived database design structure endured the ‘test of time’ performing capably for 3-plus years without requests for optimization.
· Groundbreaking streaming media product is a world-first with unique features and applications that were later exploited by telecommunications leader Telstra to promote broadband cable services.

Streaming Media-based Content Management Systems
Leveraged advanced streaming media technologies to devise content management systems including iVideo (Australian Football League and National Rugby League), and iBrainz—a system adopted for use by a prominent educational facility in Queensland. The initiative poses substantial advantages for multiple industries, being lauded for its cross-platform flexibility, quick integration with standard formats such as Windows Media, Real, QuickTime, and Mac OSX, and a simplified web-based interface. Documented all processes from the development environment, through to software release.

Streaming Media Presentation Software Re-Development
Identified and built convincing business case for Net Ventures to invest in a complete in-house revamp of a problematic streaming media product. Earlier attempts by a third-party company had been unsuccessful and management were skeptical of further monetary injections.
Won “green light” to proceed, and remodeled system from concept through testing and implementation. Software features full customer customization options for creating synchronized multimedia presentations with video/audio, PowerPoint slides and more—without need for programming knowledge, and accessed via a secure web browser interface.


Chief Technology Officer • Analyst/Programmer
Promotion from Analyst Programmer to Chief Technology Officer in just 3-years, mirrors level of performance in producing revenue-positive product solutions for high-profile clients.
Confronted upon commencement with no development infrastructure, personally established and fully documented formalized processes for development of software development life cycles. The initiative went on to shape the company’s biggest successes in iBrainz—a streaming media web application that launched the company’s foray as an application service provider.
Triumphed over two failed attempts by external companies to design and build iBrainz, a streaming media web application that allows easy administration of synchronized media. Marketed as an e-learning tool, the product has multi-industry value, and has cut internal production costs by 50%-plus.
Initial installation has been seamless with no major updates required since installation.
· Conducted comprehensive business analysis in collaboration with the Managing Director and composed functional specification.
· Developed product through to first sale as a standalone product, with other learning institutions evaluating purchase. Using best practice industry standards the program has been ‘versioned’ with all changes, enhancements, and fixes recorded meticulously within formal channels.

Senior Web Developer
Collaborated with producers and graphic designers in the development of ASP/MS SQL applications and websites for clients including Nestlé, MLHSBC, Compaq and One Media.

Business Analyst • Web Developer
Overcame inexperience with Lotus Notes, to successfully steer and deliver the development of a web content management system and a recruitment software program. Briefed team members on expectations and project progress, and educated groups of end-users in the operation and nuances of system/software capabilities.
· Designed site structure and divisional integration for the Victorian Department of Infrastructure.
· Developed and maintained company’s website.

SYBASE INC., The Netherlands
Developer Support • Team Mentor
Recruited and seconded to Holland as a senior technical engineer, providing support for PowerBuilder, and leading/training up to 30 team-members in the complexities of PowerBuilder development and web applications. Produced company intranet, oriented new recruits to formal systems and procedures, and administered the database for the internal Sybase SQL Servers.

Analyst Programmer
Sybase SQL Specialist and programmer of PowerBuilder application.

Analyst Programmer
Maintained PowerBuilder and Sybase SQL applications.

Analyst Programmer
Steered the development of project management software in PowerBuilder and Sybase SQL and created marketing campaign to penetrate new markets.



Launched small web design enterprise as an umbrella for accepting short-term and freelance projects.
Devised and regularly revamped website presence as both a testing ground for new ideas in navigation, style sheets, loading speeds, multi-browser capabilities, and color, and as a showcase to highlight a select group of pro-bono work and small assignments including:
· Employers Making a Difference. Delivered three websites for this non-profit organization promoting employment of individuals with disabilities. Designed fully-functional, database-driven content management system incorporating rich text editing features, and designed site to conform to accessibility guidelines with latest CSS standards.
· Department of Premier and Cabinet. External advisor for project planning, and member of the tender selection panel evaluating tenders for the redevelopment of the Premier’s website.
· Minerva Academy Australia. Produced multi-lingual site structure for multiple language availability on website, and wizard-based enrolment procedure for student entry.


Graduate Diploma in Design
University of Technology, Sydney (2004)

Bachelor of Science (Computer Science)
Auckland University (1995)

Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing)
Auckland University (1995)

Short courses completed in desktop publishing, Java, data modeling, and object-oriented programming
Gayle M. Howard -getinterviews@topmargin.com - Top Margin - http://www.topmargin.com

E Business Manager

Robin Saunders
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Professional with six years experience as a Web content specialist. Currently in a project management role developing and maintaining e-business Web sites for external clients who represent Fortune 500 companies. Background includes proposal preparation, mock-up development, negotiation with clients and upper management regarding funding and project feasibility, coordination with Web developers and sales/marketing groups, technical writing and editing, and site maintenance and updates. Earned a master's degree.


Highland Corporation, Boston, MA
E-Business Manager , 1999 - Present
Manage e-business development and maintenance projects, and serve in a consultative role to provide custom designed products and solutions for international clientele. Interact with information technology managers and security managers who represent the oil and gas, high tech, and aviation industries, as well as international organizations.
· Currently in a project management role developing and maintaining e-business Web sites for clients who represent Fortune 500 companies.
· Revamped the travel information Web site that was developed as a Web content specialist.
· Oversaw development of customized travel information sites for specific clients.

Highland Corporation, Boston, MA
Web Content Specialist, 1997 - 1999
Recruited to spearhead the company's introduction into client-oriented Web site development projects.
· Conceptualized, developed, and created interactive mock-up of a travel information Web site that convinced upper management to proceed with project that provides multinational corporations and international organizations with cultural, security, and other data for their executives and other international travelers Generates about $.5 million in annual revenue.
· Developed proposal to obtain client financial support, and created mock-up version site for the airline safety and security product that provided the client with a sampling of online site.

Baker and Baker, Inc., Boston, MA
Web Site Development Manager, 1996 - 1997
Secured new business clients and managed projects involving the development of client Web sites.


Northeastern University
M.B.A., Marketing

Wellesley College
Bachelor of Arts, Business Administration

PRWRA Sandy Hild - The Résumé Doctor - Theresumedoctor@aol.com - resumespecialist@yahoo.com - http://www.theresumedoctor.com

E Commerce Manager

Stacey McGovern
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Project Management • Application Development • EDI Management

Highly qualified IT professional with successful record determining and documenting requirements for IT products, logistics, and financial applications. Outstanding problem solving, analytical and decision-making skills with proven ability to conceptualize solutions to challenging situations and implement practical, cost-effective project plans. Characterized as a talented strategist, communicator, project leader and customer relationship manager. Areas of expertise encompass:

• Quality & Productivity Improvement • Budget & Resource Planning
• Client Relationship Management • EDI & Systems Integration
• Supply Chain & Product Management • Troubleshooting & Test Management
• Product & Design Research • Team Building & Leadership
• International Transportation & Logistics • Technology Needs Assessment & Solutions


University of California, Berkeley
B.A., Political Science

Technical College, Schwandorf, Germany

Post University Training Courses
Project Management; Introduction to SQL; Leadership, Training & Conflict Resolution


2001 - Present
E-Commerce Manager
Develops software solutions that completely manage marine terminal operations and communications

• Currently manage EDI group; leading the development of EDI applications of several internally developed large-scale software packages. Instrumental in establishing the internal business and resource infrastructure to support development, implementation and operations.
• Improved productivity through development of appropriate procedures, which ensured ISO certification for organization. Decreased customer complaints and dramatically reduced post-implementation support; achieved trading partners functional expectations by 100%.
• Implemented project tracking tools, successfully communicated status of each project to company executives and key operations personnel ensuring projects were completed.
• Instrumental in initiating and implementing several technical improvements to existing infrastructure, drastically reducing error rate and network traffic.
• Established formal communication channels with trading partners, resulting in improved communications with external trading partners, improved reputation, fewer complaints and reduced support.
• Wrote requirements for e-commerce module addressing existing EDI requirements and anticipated B2B integration needs.
• Executed EDI processes for large-scale software implementations including requirements gathering, process design, development of data conversion, communications procedures, and user acceptance testing.

2000 - 2001
Product Manager
Internet startup providing B2B payment and invoicing services over Internet

• Managed new B2B product for an e-commerce company producing a coherent product strategy including defining product, documented requirements, evaluated prospective vendors, researched competitors, produced marketing materials, and coordinated sales efforts.
• Identified, contacted, and evaluated potential software vendors with the goal of keeping start-up costs minimal. Maintained strategic vendor partnerships and participated in contract negotiations.
• Completed comprehensive requirements document for new, web-enabled invoicing/purchase order management application; process included interviewing potential customers, and investigating legal and industry-specific requirements.
• Wrote and developed marketing materials and prototype HTML interface, resulting in interest among potential clients through quality presentations illustrating product.
• Identified potential integration partner and incorporated integration strategy into marketing material, which became major selling point with prospective clients.
• Strategically planned and coordinated with marketing on possible sales targets. Presented product to potential clients including live demonstrations of product capabilities.

1995 - 2000
$1 billion international transportation/ logistics company in over 100 countries with 10,000 employees

1997 - 2000
EDI Manager/Lead Business Analyst
Managed ten business analysts, technical resources, and several ongoing EDI and non-EDI projects, including numerous multi-million dollar, high-profile accounts. Primary resource for technical, business, and procedural questions regarding mapping, U.S. Customs, transportation industry, and internal policies.
• Developed and implemented project management procedures for electronic commerce group. Assigned projects based on experience, nature of project, and potential development of new skills, resulting in quicker turnover while ensuring successful completion of projects.
• Increased productivity through department re-organization, improving staff effectiveness without increasing workload. Improved relationship between EDI group and other departments by establishing formal communications channels with other departments.
• Prioritized and published list of all projects and assigned resources based on client need, company priority, and resources required to complete project.

1995 - 1997
Business Analyst
Wrote programmer specifications for systems modifications and data conversion programs for Unisys mainframe and Unix environment. Performed EDI mapping of all EDI standards as well as application-to-application, using Mentor (Sterling Gentran) on Unix and PC platforms.
• Followed up with programming staff before project deadline; notified clients of potential problems, resulting in better reputation and fewer complaints.
• Designed and implemented report writer procedures to fit the assessed reporting needs of internal and external clients. Report output varied hard copy reports to proprietary flat files.


• Operating Systems: Windows, Mac, Unix
• Software: MS Office, MS Access, Dreamweaver, Eudora, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Netscape Composer, PowerPoint, MS Front Page, MS Project, Visio
• Basic Understanding: SQL, PL/SQL, HTML, XML, Java Script
• EDI Tools: Sterling Gentran, Harbinger TLE Client Tools, Specbuilder

PRWRA Denette Jones - Jones Career Specialties - Boise, Idaho 83706 - http://www.jonescareerspecialties.com - denette@jonescareerspecialties.com - (208) 331-0561 - (208) 361-0122 fax

Software Manager

Robin Saunders
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


• Microsoft Certified System Engineer - 1999
• Microsoft Windows NT Server - Exam 70-067
• Microsoft Windows NT Workstation - Exam 70-073
• Microsoft Windows 95 - Exam 70-064
• TCP/IP for Windows NT - Exam 70-059
• Network Essentials - Exam 70-058


• Operating Systems - Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Unix, DOS, Linux
• Languages - Visual Basic, Visual C++, Unix Script, ASP, JavaScript, HTML, Cobol, FoxPro
• Databases - Oracle, PL/SQL, SAP/ABAP, MS SQL Server 7.0, MS Access 2000, PeopleSoft
• Applications - MS Office Suite of Products


Acme Electronics, Seattle, WA
1999 - Present
Software Manager
Analyzed customer requirements, specifications, and developed matching functional systems and applications.
• Instrumentally contributed to "Best Vendor of the Year" award, 1999.
• Designed and implemented company intranet, featuring image search engine, item spec system, company message board, and scheduling functions.
• Converted legacy SBT system to full-scale client/server ERP system in less than 12 months, providing warehouse, distribution, bar-code, and inventory system modules.
• Decreased shipping processing time 30% by Implemented third-party shipping application (Clippership) installation.

Acme Electronics, Seattle, WA
1997 - 1998
Database Developer
Managed development projects involving extensive usage of COM, OLE, ActiveX Controls, and ActiveX DLLs.
• Increased EDI trading partners from 8 to 50+ by creating complete report generation application and EDI translation system (ActiveX controls in Visual Basic 6.0 for Windows).
• Enhanced printing of properly formatted jewel tags through design and implementation of automated tag generation application (Visual Basic 6.0 for Windows).
• Designed and implemented photo image processing and storage control application (Visual C++ and Visual Basic for Windows NT).

Geo Systems, Inc., Tacoma, WA
1995 - 1997
Independent Consultant (Web Development Project)
Developed full life-cycle Web site applications from designing database schema to implementing front- and back-end components, using Java Script and ASP. Sites provide on-line reports, records, and real time transaction statuses.
• Developed client interactive pages using HTML, DHTML, and Java Script.
• Used COM and MTS to implement and manage site business logic and transactions.


Texas A&M University
M.S., Computer Science

PRWRA Nick Marino - Outcome Resumes and Career Service - outcomerez@earthlink.net - Bishop, TX 78343

Web Consultant

Pat Hernandez
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Creative professional with 13 years experience in document and data indexing, office automation, and Web page design. Indexing background includes reading and interpreting documents and data, capturing and organizing information on the computer, and building the index process. Office automation expertise includes developing databases, integrating databases, word processing, and spreadsheet functions, analyzing current and proposed workflow, developing programs and utilities to automate required tasks, technical writing of user documentation and overview of programs, creating procedures, and training staff. Web page design experience includes analyzing customers' needs, building Web page, and maintaining and updating the Web site.



Goldman and Frank, Houston, Texas
Consultant, 1999 - Present
Serve as a consultant to small and medium sized companies in the Houston area to develop and maintain their Web pages, and provide database development. Interact with business owners, corporate presidents and vice presidents, information technology managers, department managers and directors, and end-users. Web page design projects average up to 20 pages.

Jaybird Healthcare, Houston, Texas
Senior Technical Consultant, 1990 - 1999
Provided database development, office automation, end-user training, and help desk support. Reported to the Director of User Support Services.
· Developed a customized application that allowed various departments to update their budgets and saved $30,000 per year in overtime.
· Designed an application for teen health clinics that captured, maintained, and reported demographics and treatment of this patient population (provided regulatory information to support grant applications).
· Led a team of administrators and programmers in the development of a database to track grant and protocol management for the Office of Research, a brand new department (provided notices regarding status of grants, helped administrators ensure that grants and associated protocol were current, and provided an overview of all ongoing research).
· Assisted in developing and maintaining a help desk tracking system that provided standards and an overview of most often asked questions (improved quality of service, promoted better training, and ultimately reduced the number of questions handled by the help desk ).

Doyle and Associates, Houston, Texas
Senior Computer Analyst, 1989 - 1990
Managed and coordinated unusual and complex projects that involved improvisation and creation of customized solutions for scanning, editing, and data conversion. Reported to the General Manager.
· Wrote procedures used for cleanup of scanned documents and files; reduced editing time by at least 60% and made the company more competitive in regard to project completion dates.


University of Houston

Completed continuing education courses in computer software and operating systems including Microsoft NT, Remedy, FoxPro, and Lotus Notes.


Association of Women in Computing
National Organization of Female Executives

PRWRA Sandy Hild - The Résumé Doctor - Theresumedoctor@aol.com - resumespecialist@yahoo.com - http://www.theresumedoctor.com

Web Designer Systems Analysis

Drew Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Seeking a technical Internet-related position utilizing web design and e-commerce training, skills in program management and analysis, technical solutions development, organizational management, and project management to increase the productivity of a growing organization.


Experienced in project management and oversight, organizational development, strategic planning, web design, e-commerce studies, systems analysis and troubleshooting, workflow enhancement, quality control, scheduling, and tracking of results. Knowledge of Risk Management, Account Management, and Financial Management applications and systems.

Solid background in motivating and leading technical and operations teams, training and coaching for optimum results, prioritizing and scheduling, coordinating with vendors, identifying and achieving project goals, and reporting to senior staff and corporate managers. Well-developed communication skills and expertise in business communications, demonstrated through interaction with individuals of all backgrounds, concisely written business documents, training, and presentation skills.

Proficient in HTML, JavaScript, Macromedia DreamWeaver4, Flash5, Fireworks4, Microsoft FrontPage and Office Suite, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator, Allaire Homesite, Windows, Internet, and E-Mail. Knowledgeable in XML, Microsoft Site Designer, Active Server Pages (ASP), Dynamic HTML, Fortran, and Pascal. Accomplished in most aspects of hardware installation, maintenance, and repair.

Consistently recognized by senior management, staff, clients, colleagues, and customers for leadership and overall accountability, assuming responsibility for and completing special projects on time with innovative problem solving, personal initiative, and focused, detail-oriented management and work styles.


Maxwell Fashions, Denver, Colorado
1995 - Present
Senior Business Systems Analyst / Network Support Specialist
• Served in Business Systems Department as Project Lead on all bank projects involving account acquisitions and Web technologies. Created and maintained new account section of system, coordinated with internal business units and third party vendors, reviewed and designed programming and business unit specifications, developed, documented, and implemented project test plans, and managed progression of projects from testing phase to final production.
• Implemented strategies proposed by Risk Department, updating Total Systems Mainframe, designing custom reporting for Operations and Risk Departments, developing workflows, web design and e-commerce systems implementation and management, streamlining operations, maximizing efficiency, and serving as liaison between technical teams and senior management.
• Developed Intranet site housing the Business Systems Department documentation, containing up to 100 pages, allowing users to access vital information more efficiently. Managed mind mapping, developing the site, as well as writing original content utilizing over 15 major workflows.
• Successfully developed and implemented online credit card application site for 2 store-sponsored credit cards consisting of 40+ pages and resulting in 20% increase of all applications submitted.
• Received award for outstanding service in converting 4 million accounts from in-house system to Total Systems Project.
• Facilitated all aspects of network environment, including installing, maintaining, repairing and upgrading workstations, NT servers, routers, hubs, and related backbone equipment, training users in use of applications and troubleshooting techniques, providing user support, purchasing equipment and licenses, and monitoring inventory.
• Oversaw various aspects of conversion project, including converting over 100 3270 terminals to NT workstations, cloning majority of workstations and installed PCs on users desks, as well as creating LAN basics training manual and course presentation designed to instruct new LAN users. Also organized and conducted numerous training classes for new users.

World Community Importers, Boulder, Colorado
1991 - 1995
Department Manager
• Initially hired as part-time sales associate and promoted to Department Manager due to excellent sales and supervisory skills and overall performance.
• Directed operations of Women's Sportswear and Men's Wear Departments with supervisory responsibility for 20 to 30 employees. Supervised all aspects of retail sales, marketing, and merchandising of clothing and clothing accessories. Coordinated inventory, stocking, shipping, and receiving. Hired, trained, and scheduled sales associates and related departmental personnel.
• Assisted customers with selections, provided information on products, operated and maintained point of sales computer systems, verified checks and credit card sales, coached and motivated sales associates, and solved customer service problems.


Computer Science
Relevant Coursework: Engineering Practices I, II, III, IV, Programming Concepts of Data Structures
Honors: Recipient of the Mines Metal Scholarship, Recipient of Performance Based Scholarship

• Internet Webmaster
• i-Net+

PRWRA Grant Cooper - Strategic Resumes / YWW - New Orleans, LA 70118 - yww@gs.net

Web Developer

Drew Sterling
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


A dedicated technical professional with five years experience encompassing various facets of web-based application development. Currently seeking an opportunity to apply previous skills and expertise to achieve company goals.


• Develop, coordinate, and facilitate projects from stage of concept to full implementation.
• Work well independently and within team-based environments.
• Apply high level of motivation and organization to all professional endeavors.
• Communicate effectively with diverse populations in written and verbal formats.
• Create dynamic data driven web sites including personalization, search, and commerce functionality.


Operating Systems

• Windows 2000 Server, Windows NT 4.0 Server, Windows 95/98
• UNIX, Mac OS, installation/configuration NTFS

Web Servers

• Internet Information Server 4.0/5.0 setup/configuration
• Web Site Management, Directory Security SSL

Internet Tools

• Database Design/Development/Administration
• MS SQL Server 6.5/7.0, mySQL, MS Access

• Microsoft Visual Interdev, Homesite, Site Server 3.0

Internet Technologies

• Active Server Pages, ADO, COM/DCOM, TCP/IP

• HTML, DHTML, CSS, VB Script, JavaScript

Programming Languages

• Visual Basic, Java, Object Oriented Programming principles


Helix Corporation, Boulder, Colorado
1999 - Present
Web Developer

Doyle and Associates, Fort Collins, Colorado
1998 - 1999
Internet Programmer

SFB Corporation, Englewood Colorado
1997 - 1998
EDI Coordinator

Colorado State University (Continuing Education, Fort Collins Colorado
1996 - 1997
Web Master


Colorado State University
General Studies

Wordsmith Professional Web Developers Conference


Developed and launched comprehensive company e-commerce program.

Successfully managed all company Internet and intranet content.

Acted as Technology Manager for HP 2000 web site.

Assisted in completion of Colorado Breast Cancer Foundation web site on voluntary basis.

Gretchen Gaede - The Write Words - Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 - http://www.writewordsonline.com - gretchengaede@frii.com

Web Developer Best

Drew Sterling
603 Harmony Lane, San Francisco, CA 94115 / Tel# (415) 555-0074 Email: dsterling@myisp.com

Web Developer


Web development expert with over seven years experience designing, implementing, and supporting interactive Web sites and applications. Experienced in project management, Web design, e-commerce, systems analysis, troubleshooting, and quality control. Demonstrated success in motivating, coaching, and leading technical design teams to achieve results. Consistently recognized for completing projects on time and within budget.


· Management expertise – includes project definition, coordination, troubleshooting, and on-time delivery. Inspire teams to excel by personal commitment to excellence and quality.

· Customer relations – work closely with customers during initial needs assessment, build consensus using visual prototypes, and follow up to ensure satisfaction.

· Innovative creativity – applying touches of flash to spark visual interest and encourage continued exploration of Web content. Ability to create award-winning designs.

· Technical expertise – XML, Dynamic HTML, ASP, Java, HTML, JavaScript, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Microsoft Office Suite and Project, Visio, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, Windows, and UNIX.


WEBTECHS, INC., San Francisco, CA
2000 - Present
Web Developer
Managed team of Web designers, Webmasters, network managers, and programmers to create award-winning Web sites. Coordinated full range of project development, from initial proposal to final delivery. Conducted and analyzed post-project customer and Web visitor satisfaction surveys.
· Implemented Web-based project management tools to coordinate the activities of a distributed team and present real-time progress reports to clients.
· Researched and prototyped new Web technologies and techniques to realize benefits of the latest innovations, achieve increased efficiency, and provide highest quality products.
· Determined and translated customer expectations into precise specifications for development team in order to clarify project deliverables, define schedule, and assign tasks.

1998 - 2000
Web Programmer
Specialized in Web site makeovers, increasing interactivity, dynamic elements, and personalization. Received several awards and nominations recognizing innovative designs.
· Built prototypes for customer proposals demonstrating improvements to existing sites.
· Validated design approach by tracking user interactions with sites before and after makeover.
· Tied backoffice databases to Web sites to provide personalized experience for visitors.

1996 - 1998
Web Designer/Developer
Integrated Web technology with existing data processing systems to support e-commerce services and mass marketing promotions. Utilized rapid prototyping techniques to guide initial conceptualization. Established routines to accurately track Web service usage and customer satisfaction.
· Implemented targeted, mass marketing campaigns which increased Web site visits by 125%.
· Constructed reliable, secure e-commerce site resulting in 83% sales increase.
· Compiled online libraries of user support information, reducing tech support calls by half.

1995 - 1996
Web Designer
Designed visual elements and layout structures for Web sites. Worked with print designers to translate paper-based art to online format. Extended customers’ existing graphic design, logos, and branding to Web environment.
· Consulted with customers and development team to establish Web site message.
· Coded HTML and drafted design documentation to aid future code usage and modification.
· Optimized graphic elements to minimize download time.
· Created text-only versions of Web pages to accommodate visitors with 9600 baud modem connections.


Bachelor of Arts (Communications - Internet Communications), 1995
San Francisco State University, San Francisco, California
Minor: Advertising


Webby Nominee
Best of the Web, Runner Up
What’s Cool Award

Web Programmer

Chris Fong
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


A position in Web-based programming using Web design skills and training to deliver customer services over the Internet.


• Languages: C/C++, Visual Basic, CL, HTML, JavaScript/Java, SQL, RPG
• Software: MS Office, Windows NT, Sapphire/Web, FrontPage, Dreamweaver
• Platforms: AS/400, RUMBA, Developer Studio


RPG: Created a data validation report as well as a weekly profit report sorted by store location and a file maintenance program to add changes and delete records with extensive edit checking.
CL: Created an interface to allow the user to print a weekly profit report for specific store locations. This was an enhancement of an existing RPG profit report.
VB: Developed an online calculator that can perform the same function as a hand-held calculator.
Java: Developed Applets using inner and outer classes.
Sapphire: Created an on-line bookstore as well as personal web page using C, JavaScript, HTML and SQL coding.


Training Institute of Technology, Columbia, SC
GPA: 3.8, Certified Computer Programmer

Columbia Community College, Columbia, SC
Associate, Computer Science
GPA: 3.6


Geriatrics Center, Columbia, SC
1998 - Present
Nursing Aid

Acme Auto Repair, Columbia, SC
1995 - 1998
Customer Service/Bookkeeper

PRWRA Dawn Reid - PTI Career Services - P.O. Box - Roselle, NJ 07203 - http://www.mypti.com

Web Site Administrator

Dale Wong
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Dedicated technical professional with over fifteen years comprehensive experience. Seeking an opportunity to integrate existing skills and expertise to pursue a proactive and committed approach to achieving company goals.


• Extensive technical expertise including database administration/maintenance, operating system installation/ administration/control, PC configuration, and diagnosing/troubleshooting hardware and software issues.
• Clearly assess problems and challenges and suggest viable solutions that benefit all involved parties.
• Communicate effectively with diverse populations in written and verbal formats.


• Client Relations
• Problem Resolution
• Troubleshooting
• Research and Development
• Team Support
• Product and System Development


Operating Systems: Windows NT/98/2000, DOS, UNIX, VMS
Languages: C, C++, Pascal, X86 assembly, Perl, Java
Databases: Revision Control Administration, OpenNet, LAN, ITFS, TCP/IP, NFS
Hardware: Oscilloscope, Digital Multimeter, Logic/Spectrum Analyzer, ITP/ICE Debugging Tools


Helix Imaging Services, Portland, OR
2000 - Present
Web Site Administrator
Performed all essential operations and engineering team support functions including hardware/software configuration, testing, network/PC configuration, networking, troubleshooting, database administration/maintenance, and data analysis, research, and development.

Helix SV Department, Portland, OR
1997 - 2000
Software Technician

Helix XTG Department, Portland, OR
1996 - 1997
Software Technician

Helix XTG Department, Portland, OR
1994 - 1996
Modeling Technician

Helix XTG Department, Portland, OR
1989 - 1994
Software Technician

Helix Corporation, Portland, OR
1988 - 1989
Hardware/Software Technician

Helix Corporation, Portland, OR
1984 - 1985
Fab Equipment Engineering Services Technician

Octagon Company, Chicago, Illinois
1982 - 1984
Satellite Technician
Maintained and operated laser facsimile/digital transmitting system used to transmit printing information for major financial publications.


Portland Community College, Portland, Oregon
A.A.S., Computer Science Technology

ITT Technical Institute, Portland, Oregon
A.A.S., Electronic Engineering Technology

Gretchen Gaede - The Write Words - Fort Collins, Colorado 80524 - http://www.writewordsonline.com - gretchengaede@frii.com