
LAN Administrator Configuration Management

Frances O 'Malley
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


• Proven theoretical training and hands-on experience in legal studies.
• Extremely community focused; volunteer for a variety of organizations.
• Excellent case management skills and assessment techniques.
• Knowledgeable and practiced with the tools and use of legal research.
• Persistent and dedicated; exhaust all resources to get the job done.
• Confident communicator; comfortable one-on-one or addressing the court.
• Computer skills in MS Word, Windows 95 and WordPerfect; learning Excel.


Helix Microsystems, Columbia, SC
1982 - Present
Network LAN Administrator
Promoted through increasingly responsible positions with direct responsibility for core operating functions. Orchestrated implementation of computer code storage library through entire lifecycle planning. Managed systems configuration and maintenance, problem troubleshooting, planning and directing upgrades, and testing operations to ensure optimum system functionality. Career highlights include:

Project Management Functions
• Defined requirements, then planned, implemented and managed software library ensuring safe, stable environment for storage of code contributed from approximately 800 programmers.
• Administered lifecycle of multiple projects, assessing needs, writing proposals, setting goals, managing daily scheduling, and formulating closeout plan.
• Recruited superior-level engineers and researchers to staff internal business lines, resulting in increased productivity through efficient managing and migrating of Product Library System (PLS) to new releases.
• Improved efficiency 25% by streamlining configuration management and load/build process for policy services products, resulting in shorter, cleaner build cycles.

Technical Administration Highlights:
• Guided database administration and support activity serving over 500 internal business lines while troubleshooting daily difficulties.
• Implemented precise tracking tools ensuring 100% accountability for all purchase orders and inventory record keeping.
• Facilitated hardware repair and maintenance through LAN administration support, of all company Macintosh, XMS workstations, HP's and Solaris fileservers, as well as end-user workstations.

Customer Management Contributions:
• Mediated ownership for problem identification and resolution by managing teams throughout software release program.
• Championed innovative solutions to customer issues, increasing customer satisfaction and retention.
• Forged strong alliances with cross-functional teams, ensuring continuous daily support to effect more efficient and timely completion of projects.

Communication and Training Accomplishments:
• Delivered hands-on training programs at client sites using live systems. Ensured that end-users understood products and procedures.
• Developed documentation assisting in product familiarization including: end-user guides, reporting documents, web-page content, and general release notes.
• Chaired multi-teamed release status meetings ensuring open lines of communication on project status.
• Negotiated, leveraged, and nurtured partnerships to assist in the smooth operation of all departments.


• Certificate of Merit: In recognition of outstanding contribution to staff support.
• Pride awards: Multi-year winner for outstanding implementation.
• Performance Recognition: Received "EXCEED" performance recognition for 10 consecutive years.

PRWRA Nicole Miller - Mil-Roy Consultants - resumesbymilroy@hotmail.com