
Liasion Manager Military

Kerry Cordova
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


• 15+ years' experience in Management with expertise in supervising personnel, managing overall costs and budgets and working with multiple organizations in complex overseas operations.
• Communicates effectively in English, German, and Croatian.
• Exceptional skills in working with communities and community leaders in times of crisis to provide assistance where and when needed. Extensive logistics background in supply and shipping.
• Outstanding experience in public relations, political liaison work in foreign lands with multinational agencies, forces and government officials.
• Works well in teams or individually to achieve goals and objectives. Successful in building teams of workers dedicated to getting the job done right.


United States Army
1982 - 2002
Community Aide/Liaison Manager
Responsible for working directly with multinational agencies, governments and military personnel to provide aid and fulfill the needs of struggling governments and citizens.
• Managed all logistical requests for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and coordinated efforts with multinational and multiagency personnel.
• Assisted and supported the planning of Kosovo's first free and fair elections in their entire history.
• Worked with community officials, government agencies, multi-national personnel and various government agents in planning and implementing Kosovo's first civil and voter registration without a violent incident.
• Military advisor to OSCE on all matters dealing with security and military matters.
• Assigned to Bosnia to act as a liaison between the Nordic-Polish Brigade and the civilian communities.
• Managed all aspects of restoring the railroad between Sarajavo and Brcko.
• Responsible for assisting the business community and local media in providing opportunities to local citizens in conjunction with USAID.
• Assigned to the Balkans as an observer and controller to train each rotation of peacekeepers.
• Managed various budgets while serving in the military on the Brigade level.
• Developed ties between the peacekeeping units and international and non-governmental humanitarian organizations. Responsible for the planning and implementation of VIGILANT LION-one of the first realistic humanitarian relief exercises in the area.


Proficient in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, creating and managing Access databases, producing PowerPoint presentations, basic Windows 2000 and NT file management and troubleshooting, Corel Draw, Corel PhotoPaint, EZ CD Pro, use of the Internet and email.


LaSalle University, Philadelphia, PA
Master of Science.
Bachelor of Science

• Civil Affairs Officer Advanced Course.
• Joint Civil-Military Operations Course


Able to write and speak German and at an advanced beginner level in Serbo-Croatian.

PRWRA John Donovan - johndonovan@crsresume.com - Career Résumé Service - http://www.crsresume.com - Armed Forces Résumés - http://www.armedforcesresumes.com