
Manager Sales Initatives

Devin Saunders
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Seasoned manager, expert in harnessing the power of teams to innovate, resolve issues, commit to greater productivity, and consistently deliver “red carpet” service. Multi-industry career experience coupled with strong technological know-how, is underscored by a tradition of building revenues, boosting the customer experience, and presenting realistic and cost-effective solutions that endure throughout the short- and long-term. A “no fanfare,” self-directed leader; direct, respectful, and welcoming of others’ contributions. Enjoy brainstorming the merits of new ideas, establishing a direction, and proceeding with resolve. A quiet achiever, encouraging mentor, and decisive problem-solver.
Professional strengths include:

Ÿ Relationship Management
Ÿ Project Management
Ÿ Cost Reduction Initiatives
Ÿ Business Needs Analysis
Ÿ KPI Development/Monitoring
Ÿ Process/Productivity Improvements
Ÿ Revenue Growth
Ÿ Market Expansion/Planning
Ÿ Contract Negotiations
Ÿ Expenditure Controls
Ÿ Call Center Management
Ÿ Collateral Knowledge
Ÿ Team Leadership
Ÿ Business Case Development
Ÿ Corporate Communications
Ÿ Strategic Planning
Ÿ Technology Sales & Marketing
Ÿ Agency Management


Human Resources Management
· Cut chronic staff absenteeism to zero; with “all hands on deck” and improved communications, departments across the company offered challenging and interesting project assignments.
· Devised custom action plans to help staff meet established objectives—an inventive scheme that built staff confidence and instilled a desire to excel and progress.

Process Improvements
· Slashed database-form processing errors from 80% to zero; a turnaround that boosted productivity and enhanced the customer experience.
· Cut network rollout processes by 40%—a measure that simultaneously hastened the flow of revenue.

Revenue Contributions
· Won $10M in bids by introducing a mobile telephone fleet-audit process for major customers.
· Turned around a $15 million target deficit to $10M target surplus in just 5-months.
· Revived $6M P&O mobile telephone account poised for cancellation.
· Consistently surpassed weekly sales targets by 200% for the Thomson Group.


Manager, Sales Initiatives Management
Telebusiness Manager
Telebusiness Sales Specialist

THOMSON GROUP, New Zealand/Australia
Marketing Account Manager, Australia
Retention Coordinator, Australia
Retention Coordinator, New Zealand

Printing Consultant

· Customer Service/Printing: Baylellys Allprint
· Bookbinder: Whitcoulls


Manager, Sales Initiatives Management
Confronted upon promotion to an operation in need of turnaround. Declining staff morale, erroneous procedures and systems, and increasing customer dissatisfaction indicated that immediate action was critical to restore the team’s purpose and long-term vision, and restore the company’s reputation among its customers.
Immediately instituted a day-long meeting to address issues. Established an action plan and won staff buy-in for a 30-day deadline to achieve the turnaround. Conducted one-on-one staff coaching sessions, performed an audit of work processes against revenue achieved, and launched customer telephone surveys that linked dissatisfaction with service deficiencies.
Results were swift and impressive:
· Transparent communications and an open management style spearheaded a revolution in staff attitude. Confident that individual voices would be heard and management were now receptive, staff volunteered new, often valuable ideas for process improvements and generating revenue.
· Slashed database-form processing errors from 80% to zero; a turnaround that boosted productivity and enhanced the customer experience.
· Relieved long-term conflicts between staff addressing and mediating issues.
· Cut chronic staff absenteeism to zero; with “all hands on deck” and improved communications, departments across the company offered challenging and interesting project assignments.
Key Contributions & Results:
· Cut network rollout processes by 40%—a measure that simultaneously hastened the flow of revenue. Analyzed network rollout delays, determining that assumptions between clients’ IT divisions and Optus had led to acceptance of information at “face value.” Introduced process for conducting a telephone
· Won $10M in bids by introducing a mobile telephone fleet
· Pioneered simple, yet effective initiative that cut delays to carriers by an estimated 30%. Standard ACC-produced “inter-carrier telecommunications” form showed only one contact name for each site. Built convincing case to alter form so that two names and mobile numbers could be entered, thus cutting unnecessary network rollout delays when the key contact was absent or unavailable.
· Fast-tracked an EFTPOS network project set to transfer key merchants from Telstra to Optus. Championed initiative that encouraged merchants to perform minor installation works onsite—allowing 90% of the network online in the first month, and enabling Optus to achieve full revenues by the third month.

Telebusiness Manager
Promoted to a line-management role with a conviction that deficiencies stemming from ineffective work practices, lack of employee recognition, and inadequate training could be quickly overcome with a series of procedural and human resources improvements. The theory that “if the staff are content and enthused, sales will follow” was proven.
· Quizzed each team member individually; offered performance feedback and weekly one-on-one coaching, and established an incentive-based forum for discussing methods to achieve career professional goals. Devised custom action plans to help staff meet established objectives—an inventive scheme that built staff confidence and instilled a desire to excel and progress.
· Independently sourced opportunities to deliver increased revenues via the telebusiness division. Collaborated with sales teams in key accounts areas to brainstorm new revenue-generating models.
· Produced a series of realistically achievable KPIs that tested staff strengths, yet were within the grasp of the team to attain; strategy built an environment of good-natured competitiveness, and consistent performances.
· Pioneered incentive-based reward of a fully-paid 2-day holiday break to a New South Wales resort dependent on the team exceeding targets by 10%.
Revenue Contributions:
· Reversed inherited financial deficits from the previous incumbent, turning around a $15 million target deficit to $10M target surplus in just 5-months. Delivered 101.7% increase over target to transition new networks to Optus, and a 2.8% increase over target for customer retention.
· Revived $6M P&O mobile telephone account poised for cancellation due to perceived billing issues and poor network coverage. Devised program to contact each mobile user in the company, elicit responses, produce resolution, and follow-up one-month later. Communicated service coverage issues to technical personnel, and demonstrated to P&O the company’s commitment to resolve issues. P&O, poised to sign with a competitor, reversed their decision citing “the detail in the report, the solutions offered, and the monitoring of the account” convinced them that Optus were able to meet their needs.
· Won $10M, 2-year contract with P&O after conducting investigative audit on all internet connections and landlines where issues were identified and resolved, and monitoring of service levels remained constant.
· Delivered $2.7M in sales of mobile telephones to corporate and government key accounts.
· Contributed $1.06M in new revenues via new prospecting strategy from existing customers.
· Instigated $12M in new sales by campaigning existing clients to embrace value-added products that would enhance communications internally and externally. Investigated company operations, identified opportunities, and “pitched” ideas designed refine workflows through data transmission services, advanced messaging and fax.

Telebusiness Sales Specialist
Boosted sales of products and services through improved telephone scripting, and intuitive identification of key prospects.
· Developed marketing collateral and telephone scripts for the “Frame Relay” campaign that delivered $500K+ annually. Success was attributed to the “plain English” communication of the product benefits without the “techno-speak” that had historically served to confuse non-technical purchasers.
· Recipient “Outstanding Achievement Award” recognizing the success of the Frame Relay Campaign.
· Personally retained $10M of client mobile business.
· Produced leads within the Victoria and New South Wales government that contributed sales of $700K.

THOMSON GROUP, New Zealand/Australia
Marketing Account Manager, Australia
Promoted after just 12-months as Retention Coordinator in Australia, to steer revenue growth—targeting major Australian law firms, large companies, government departments, and courts.
· Consistently surpassed weekly sales targets by 200%.
· Penetrated new sales “territories” by pioneering the sale of full electronic libraries via telephone; a method considered “impossible” by management.
· Devised a time-payment option that increased sales by 70% and ensured regular cash flows to the company. Initiative gained popularity, circumventing authorization needed for “big ticket” purchases.
· Offered deal “sweetener” offering one-on-one training that enhanced the end-user experience.

Retention Coordinator, Australia
Retention Coordinator, New Zealand
New position designed to prevent customers seeking out competitors at the conclusion of the one-year contract. Launched the company’s first foray into formalized customer retention, commencing with a customer survey to elicit perceptions of the company’s reputation, product quality, and reasons for failure to purchase program updates. Remedial actions:
· Transitioned to monthly billing for small law firms, and accepted personal credit cards to encourage extended contracts. Within 6-weeks, 55% of customers had embraced the opportunity to circumvent a yearly lump-sum payment with an easier-to-manage payment plan.
· Promotional information printed on customer invoices that marketed pending publications and pricing, prompted in a 20% acceptance rate evidenced through sales tracking.
· Instigated a loyalty program to access free court ruling publications. Initiative later expanded to offer up to 12 free books a year for clients of 24-months standing; 24 books for 48-months, and immediate access to 24 books a year on signing for four years.
Within six-months of retention program’s launch, no cancellations were received at contract renewal time, with many opting to embrace the new “free publication” offer. Competitors were outpaced by this uniquely aggressive program, and later, instigated similar contract options.


• Printing Consultant, Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Project-managed the production of publications and government cheques. Established policies, procedures, and TQM for ISO certification. Involvement spanned staff management, collateral knowledge and agency management.

• Customer Service/Printing: Baylellys Allprint, Wrightson Printing
• Bookbinder: Whitcoulls, Government Printing Office


New Zealand Institute of Management
Customer Relations • Civil Defense Disaster Training • How to Handle Customers • Total Quality Management • Effective Writing • Customer Service • Time Management • Writing Skills for Business • Assertiveness for Success at Work • Selling Skills • Managing Meetings • Project Management • Handling Difficult Customers • Sales Negotiations

Optus Technology Education Center
Extensive technical training includes: Satellite, MultiCast, AudioCast, DataReach, FastData, Mobile Satellite, Bid Process, Call Centre Solutions, Solutions Management, MultiNet Frame, Frame Relay, ATM, Internet & Internet Links, International Data, Billing and Reporting, Mobile Products, Wireless Products, and more.


Microsoft Office • Lotus 1-2-3 • WordPerfect Office Suite • CBA Inventory System
• Aldus PageMaker • Omnibus System • Maximize • FileMaker Pro
• Netscape/IE • Adobe Acrobat • Exchange • Cass • GMIS
Gayle M. Howard -getinterviews@topmargin.com - Top Margin - http://www.topmargin.com