
Manager Sports

Taylor Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234

Senior Manager ~ Sports Administration / Management
Life Member, Team Buller Freestyle Australia • Member, Skiing Australia Freestyle Committee

Solutions-focused sports administration specialist, expert in devising strategy, steering future visions, and guiding daily operations within strict financial constraints. From elite sportsman, to entrepreneur, and project and logistics manager the journey has been rich in challenges, diversity, opportunities, and success. Macro- and micro-management style underpins full participation in all projects—from driving key marketing campaigns, monitoring finances, and coordinating international team logistics, through meticulous policy development or marketing collateral and website design. Characterized as pragmatic, analytical, and thorough; a competent and persuasive communicator, practiced at building consensus and winning “buy in” for ideas and strategies from a formidable network of contacts worldwide.

Professional strengths include:

Ÿ Brand Image & Management
Ÿ Program Marketing
Ÿ Marketing Collateral Design
Ÿ Business Needs Analysis
Ÿ Staff Recruitment
Ÿ Athlete Management
Ÿ Contract Negotiations
Ÿ Talent Identification
Ÿ Advertising and Promotions
Ÿ Client/Vendor Relationship Management
Ÿ Business Advisor/Consultant
Ÿ Competition Itineraries and Logistics
Ÿ Business Plan Development
Ÿ Strategic Planning
Ÿ Financial Administration
Ÿ Project Management
Ÿ Sponsor Negotiations
Ÿ Policy Implementation
Ÿ KPI Compliance

Technology Summary: Microsoft Office • Dreamweaver • Quickbooks / MYOB • Photoshop • Video editing and production applications • Internet • Email • HTML • Windows XP/ME/98/95


Master of Business Administration
Deakin University (Anticipated 2005)
Bachelor of Applied Science (Sport Coaching & Administration)
Deakin University (1997)
Diploma, Hospitality Management
William Angliss College (1991)

Certified Freestyle Coach • Level 1 First Aid • Accredited under the Child Protection Act (2000)


· Drove increases of 470% in turnover and 350% in client volumes for a specialist provider of overseas athlete training camps for ski and snowboard disciplines.
· Conceived the highly successful Supercamp concept catering to the needs of athletes representing 5 separate winter sports disciplines, sharing common resources for optimal cost containment.
· Personally secured sanctioning from Skiing Australia; one of only three official program providers considered to align with the national organization’s blueprint for excellence in athlete development.
· Identified and won lucrative sponsorships with well-known industry leaders including Bollé, Atomic Skis, Planet Altitude, Vew Doo, and Folks.
· Captured rare media attention achieving content-rich advertorials in nationally-syndicated magazines including the Australian Snowboarder. Highlighted on Canadian television via a 30-minute special.
· Created talent identification programs that signaled innovative directions for sourcing new athletes.
· Event-managed travel, competition schedules, accommodation, catering, and care for up to 50 athletes and 15 staff traveling to athlete training camps overseas.
· Demonstrated fiscal accountability, frequently delivering projects under budget.
· Author, Australian Coaching Council: Level One Freestyle Coaches Accreditation (2000).


National Sports Programs Manager/Administrator
Injected new life into a fledgling business enterprise, transforming a small, struggling operation into a diversified and successful organization with a global outlook, revitalized staffing structures, and a geographical relocation to Canada that exploited the attractive Canadian exchange rates.
Spearheaded complete cultural change transitioning operations from outsourced coaching, to a permanent in-house team of specialist staff—the catalyst that cemented business viability and drove a 470% increase in turnover, and 350% increase in client numbers in 6-years.
Elevating the company’s brand image via word-of-mouth referrals and promotional programs that focused on quality and reliability have been successful with the business undergoing steady growth—a genuine achievement in an environment of steep declines in the travel industry and turbulence in exchange rates.
Business peaks and troughs stemming from seasonal periods has prompted opportunities for seeking freelance assignments, or sub-contracting special projects.

Business Contributions: Strategy, Profits, Marketing/Promotions
· Achieved an impressive 30% retention rate with clients responding to the organization’s quality and value by re-signing for annual camps.
· Pioneered new business branch specializing in outsourcing and bids for contract from other winter sports industry clubs. Exploited an untapped area for a new revenue stream, surpassing competitors by winning 4 contracts in 3-years.
· Mastered cost containment through stringent financial monitoring—stretching dollars to achieve desired outcomes on a shoestring.
· Trimmed costs in website design, marketing, and advertising by designing marketing collateral, and overseeing website administration that became the life-blood of the business.
· Conceived the idea of a Supercamp catering to the needs of athletes representing 5 separate winter sports disciplines that operate both in isolation and crossover with other programs. The Supercamp is cost-effective initiative sharing common resources with one advertising and promotional budget.
· Secured rare sanctioning from Skiing Australia as one of only three official program providers to align with the national organization’s blueprint for mapping athletes’ development to Olympic level. Submitted winning portfolio detailing financial management, experience, staff knowledge, housekeeping, quality commitment, and internal policies.
· Sole point of contact for junior and senior athletes, parents, and key stakeholders. Offer counsel on such issues as Child Protection Policies, safety, insurance, costs, program services, and more.
· Personally secured lucrative sponsors such as Bollé, Atomic Skis, Planet Altitude, Vew Doo, and Folks contributing financially to the bottom line and value-adding to the company’s industry positioning.
· Jostled for position in competitive advertising, aggressively seeking advertorial content with media publications including Ski Mag, Australian Snowboarder, Australia Alpine News, and Snowy Mountain Times. Featured in nationally-syndicated Australian Snowboarder, in 2001 the business was also highlighted during a 30-minute television special by a Canadian television station.
· Pioneered numerous new programs signaling new directions for identifying new talent across several snow disciplines.
· Created the company’s Child Protection Policy to formalize the organization’s commitment to the care of minors.
· Tapped talent worldwide to shape a staff of coaching specialists. Personally devised job descriptions for support staff, recruiting experienced, qualified professionals. Employee retention rates are impressively high, sustained at 90%.
· Project manage travel, competitions, and all logistics for up to 50 athletes aged from 12 to 30, and 15 staff attending camp programs in Canada. Coordinate international flights and transfers, on-ground transportation, food, accommodation, training, supervision, and activities daily over 2-months.
· Negotiated $100K contract for travel supplies, $50K accommodation agreements, and won concessions for a $20K lift ticket contract.
· Built and nurtured mutually beneficial relationships with key decision-makers within the National Federation (Skiing Australia), Olympic Winter Institute, industry stakeholders such as Snow Sports Development Foundation and NSW Sport and Recreation, travel agents, and Canadian providers of accommodation, vehicles, ski resorts, and catering.

Special Projects/Contracts

Olympic Winter Institute/Skiing Australia
National Development Aerials Ski Team Coach
AWSC contract for the Australian Women’s Development Aerial program—a joint venture between the Olympic Winter Institute and Skiing Australia. Acted as skill development and technical ski coach for the program that has nurtured athletes’ development, including Lydia Ierodiaconou and Trudy McIntosh progression to World Cup and Olympic-level competition.
· Coordinated and planned all seasonal training schedules; conducted technical coaching to all athletes, viewed daily skills development via video and Dartfish performance analysis software.
· Taught skiing fundamentals to elite level athletes from other disciplines. Coached Olympic Gold Medalist how to ski, and advanced a Commonwealth Games Gymnastics Gold Medalist to World Cup ski competition standard.

Mt Buller Race Club
Programs Organizer
Mt Buller Race Club is one of Australia’s premier ski and snowboard clubs. Contracted to coordinate all race programs for the 2002–2003 overseas winter from initial planning until day of departure from Australia. Devised all budgets and program pricing, and managed account invoices and payments.
· Successfully sought board approval for the $250K contract, and delivered project 9% under budget.
· Planned complete logistics blueprint for 35 athletes (aged 12 to 17) and 5-staff traveling to Italy, France, and Austria. Arranged flights and transfers, ground transportation, food, accommodation, training, supervision, and activities over 8-week duration.

Skiing Australia Ltd, Junior World Championships
Program Operator
Contracted by Skiing Australia to operate and manage the team for the Junior World Championships in New Zealand (26 athletes). Reporting directly to the CEO of Skiing Australia and Skiing Australia’s Snowboard Committee, recruited a specialist staff of 4 coaches, and managed a contract of $80K with full profit and loss accountability.
· Delivered project 7.5% under budget projections, with the Australian team winning the most medals at that competition-level to date.

Skiing Australia Ltd National Children’s Topolino World Championships
Program Operator
Key player in winning tender for the Children’s Topolino World Championships—the ultimate goal for all junior Australian racers. Designed the 2002 program, reporting structures and feasibility issues, and implemented the program.
Sourced overseas host resorts, head coach and support staff; liaised with international sports governing bodies, and managed program operations and logistics in Italy.
· Devised and accomplished 80% of athlete KPIs with strong competition results across the board.
· Secured program sponsors: Bob Stillwell BMW $5K, and Crema Camill0 $5K.

Sports Programs Manager
Balanced conflicting challenges as a volunteer with Team Buller and remunerated role with Buller Ski Lifts through meticulous planning and time management.
Reporting to the Club Executive Committee, collaborated with key club members to produce a viable strategic plan that projected the club’s future directions over the short-, medium-, and long-term.
· Produced sponsorship proposals instrumental in winning lucrative sponsors, impressed by the level of detail and quality.
· Developed reviews and reports, and conducted intensive annual program and organizational reviews.
· Key point of contact for the construction of event facilities including course, VIP, and hospitality and athlete areas.
· Coordinated accreditation, transport, equipment, award presentations, stock replenishment, running sheets, catering, media releases, and “Plan B” contingency plans surrounding each event.
· Identified and recruited talent with potential for long-term success as world-class athletes. Developed and maintained programs to enhance the flow of new athletes with promise.
· Spearheaded fresh fundraising activities that substantially boosted budget coffers.
· Integral leader in the coordination of all Team Buller events with both Buller Ski Lifts and Team Buller. Events included World Cup Aerials, ABOM Mogul Challenge, Expression Sessions, and Interschool competitions.

Coaching and Outdoor Operations Manager
Presided over outdoor operations juggling a multitude of changing priorities and challenges to deliver smooth, incident-free athlete programs, events and company initiatives.
Hands-on participation spanned all points from coordinating staff, or positioning for hospitality tents and TV cameras, through to budget development, project construction management, and overseeing the safety and operation of competition and training facilities.
Managed freestyle ski and free ride ski and snowboard staff; conducted yearly operational reviews, recruited and trained snow coaches locally and internationally, devised staff training sessions and schedules, contributed to planning department ski and snowboard events and liaised with company departments.

Highlights included:
· World Aerials—a world cup skiing event with 4-hours live TV.
· National ski and snowboard events.
· Interschool mass participation events.
· Consistently delivered staff budget 10–15% under forecasts.
· Instrumental in the development of new and innovative training facilities.
· Achieved budget surpluses on athlete training programs.
· Mediated, negotiated, counseled, advised and communicated with athletes, parents, and all company departments.

· National Team Mogul Skiing Athlete (full-time 1988–1995) • Hospitality Manager (casual 1992–1998)
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