
Project Manager Best

Peter Roberson
6789 Euclid Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94302 / Tel# (510) 555-0038 Email: proberson@myisp.com

Project Manager


Project management professional with 14 years experience managing teams, providing technical expertise and leadership to IT projects for both government and private industry. Skilled at developing and implementing Web and database technologies to improve processes and services. Visionary who synthesizes facts, events and concepts to develop realistic and long-range plans. Successful in balancing cost and quality with project development and delivery timelines. Professional certifications include Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and Certified Novell Engineer (CNE).


Project Management – consistently employ technological solutions to increase communication while using time efficiently to track progress and meet goals.
Personnel Supervision – hire and motivate professionals and encourage coordinated efforts based on project assignments, milestones, and goals.
Systems Analysis – carefully examine existing systems and operations to understand client needs and design effective training plans to support new systems.
Technology – expert in MS Project, MS Office, Java, C, C++, VisualBasic, Oracle, ActiveX, ASP, SQL, Windows, and UNIX.


1998 - Present
Project Manager
Developed Web interfaces to local government information sources, including funding opportunities, assistance programs, activities schedules, town halls, and community development projects. Prepared proposals and presented plans to governmental agencies. Managed teams of programmers, Web designers, database administrators, and testers.
· Utilized rapid prototyping to deliver proof-of-concept at the proposal stage.
· Implemented Web-based project management tracking and reporting to inform clients of progress without requiring travel and face-to-face meetings.
· Honed development team into highly motivated, self-managed unit. Skilled at completing projects on time and within budget.
· Delivered complete products to include thorough documentation and training materials.

1992 - 1998
IT Project Manager
Developed and implemented database applications for property management group, including renter tracking and property maintenance systems. Hired and managed a team of seven contract programmers. Hired, trained, and supervised technical support staff.
· Designed, tested, and implemented renter information system to track renter application data and payment history, managing a development team of five contract programmers.
· Trained office staff to operate and maintain database system, including data entry, report generation, queries, and data archives.
· Analyzed property maintenance records and procedures to develop a proposal for automating manual procedures and tracking maintenance expenses more carefully.
· Based on approved proposal, designed, managed development, and implemented maintenance records system, reducing maintenance costs by 23% by streamlining office processes.

1990 - 1992
Project Leader
Managed systems integration project for non-profit consulting group. Hired and supervised team members, established project goals and timelines, assigned tasks and monitored progress. Delivered final product on time meeting client specifications.
· Met with client to determine scope of project and analyze current systems and procedures.
· Implemented networked project planning and reporting tool to inform all project members of progress and milestones.
· Set up prototype development system to support program testing and migration of client data.
· Developed and refined ability of project members to estimate and maintain completion times for tasks. Achieved 88% on-time completion rate for project sub-tasks.

1988 - 1990
Team Leader
Managed development team specializing in order processing and inventory control for a beverage distributor with over 350 monthly deliveries. Developed SQL database for vendor and customer order entry, pick sheet generation, delivery routing, and delivery status queries. Implemented bar-coding technology to track transport of products.
· Assigned programming tasks to team members and set milestones to monitor progress.
· Employed rapid prototyping to verify design and solicit customer feedback.
· Maintained constant communication with project team manager to report progress, identify issues, and allocate resources.
· Completed database implementation project on time and under budget.


Bachelor of Science (Computer Science), 1988
Bay College, Berkeley, CA


Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer, 1998
MS Project Expert (MOUS), 1996
Certified Novell Engineer, 1993
Project Management, 1990