
Restaurant Manager Resort

Taylor Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Restaurant / Food and Beverage Manager and Entrepreneur with eight years experience. Skilled at customer relations, personnel managment, vendor relations, and sales issues. Encourage team environment, lead by example, and work well under pressure.


Lake Resort, Castle Bar, NY
2000 - Present
Front House Manager
Report to owner of 70+ employee, 130+ unit, 200-seat dining, and 300-banquet resort facility that ranks in top 2% of competitors. Oversee restaurant and lodge ensuring customer satisfaction.
• Recommend and assist in orientation of new employee training program.
• Manage food and beverage portion control system and restaurant and lounge.
• Implement cost savings standards.

Lake Resort Camp, Hayward, NY
Kitchen Manager
Supervise kitchen staff of eight, purchase food within budget allocated, and control inventory. Have increased quality of food, and decreased spoilage, resulting in pleased customers.

Ski Lodge, Mt. Lemmon, AL
1999 - 2000
Food and Beverage Manager
Managed staff of up to 18 in 135-seat restaurant.
• Hired and trained employees.
• Controlled costs, inventory, and set prices.
• Restructured multi-weekend special events to allow faster service and greater number of customers. Set up one central payment area for all food items and changed menu so as not to conflict with restaurant menu resulting in increased profits, better accountability of receivables and repeat business.
• Implemented cost cutting measures, for example reduced staff by 15% after evaluating needs.
• Reduced spoilage and inventory.
• Increased average per customer revenue by 20%.

Bayside, Bay, Eastport, NY
1994 - 1999
Owner / General Manager
Managed all other aspects of a refurbished historic 93-seat restaurant, creating a fine dining experience that attracted local and tourist clientele.


Bakersfield College, Bakersfield, CA
B.A., Sociology


Serve Safe and Sanitation, Arizona
Operator's Beverage License, New York


VP, Eastport, ME Chamber of Commerce

PRWRA Linda Wunner - ahireimageresume@prodigy.net - Career & Resume Design - Duluth, MN 55811 - linda@successfulresumes.com