
Systems Administrator

Jamie Hill
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Customer-focused IT professional, expert in leading and contributing to projects designed to enhance system functionality and end-user productivity. Acknowledged for capacity to tackle challenging issues, analyze viable alternatives, and provide innovative solutions that reside well within clients’ financial and time frameworks. Persistence, personal integrity, and channeled energies are major strengths consistently cited by managers and clients alike—universally praising team spirit, independent work habits, and the determination to conquer technical challenges. A resourceful, life-long learner, embracing knowledge as a tool for improved problem-solving effectiveness.

Professional strengths include:
Ÿ Process/Efficiency Improvements
Ÿ System Integrations
Ÿ Critical Problem Solving
Ÿ Network Administration
Ÿ Client Relationship Management
Ÿ Escalated Technical Support
Ÿ Pre-Sales Support
Ÿ Multi-site Operations


Programming: ANSI • C/C++ • Visual C • Visual Basic • .NET applications • UNIX Shell scripting
Platforms: Windows 95/98/XP/NT 4/2000 • Linux Redhat • Mandrake • HP/UX • MAC OSX
Databases: SQL 2000 • Oracle 8i/9i • MySQL • Ingres SQL–92
Applications: MS Exchange 2000 • MS Office 2000/XP • Visio 2002 • MS Project • Intellution Ifix Dynamics (SCADA) • OSI PI (interfaces and data historian) • Dotnetnuke, Automated Content Management System for Intranet and Internet Deployments


Bachelor of Applied Science (Computer Technology)
Curtin University of Technology, WA (1997)
Graduate Certificate in Information Technology
Monash University (Anticipated 2004)

Pending: Certified Cisco Network Associate (CCNA), Monash ITS
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (Windows 2000)
Intellution Certified Systems Engineer, SCADA


Project/Support Engineer

Systems Engineer

Programmer/Systems Engineer

Software Engineer


Project/Support Engineer
Company: Provider of infrastructure management solutions for enterprises with mission-critical networks. Specialists in SCADA and telemetry, mobile computing, power distribution management,
network management and systems integration.
Clients include: South East Water Limited, City West Water Limited, Origin Energy, Mobil JUHI, United Water, TXU, VENCorp, Central Highlands Water, and more.
Projects: Internal and external projects, range from 6–12 months, with budgets up to $20K. Includes cross-platform system administration work; system integrations, and software solutions and support.
Technologies: Windows NT/2000; Unix HP/UX; SCADA applications, Visual Basic, Visual C++

Contributed to high-profile projects—from network and software installations, through complex systems integrations. Multifaceted role also underpins the pre-sales process as the resident “product expert,” actively engaging with clients to clarify project goals and providing insight into the feasibility of the solution requested.
Conduct extensive technical analysis and research to provide project frameworks that meet budget and timeline constraints and influence projects’ directions.
Selected Contributions:
· Broad knowledge of OSI PI contributed to lucrative tender receiving the ‘green-light’ from major client, Origin Energy.
· Defeated long-term issue in providing effective and rapid technical support to multiple-site users. Spearheaded the introduction of Windows 2000 terminal services that fast-tracked remote support for greater efficiency and end-user satisfaction.
· Key team contributor in prototyping systems for testing and development via the use of virtual machines using VMWARE and Virtual PC.

Systems Engineer
Company: Supplier of control products, automation and information systems to process industries.
Clients included: CSL Limited, GPU GasNet and more.
Position overview: Systems support of SCADA and PLC systems. External client base.
Reported to: Project Manager

Assigned two major assignments—a plant control system project for CSL and a large, supervisor-led project for GPU GasNet—maintaining and integrating the company’s SCADA systems.
· Resolved a multitude of complex technical issues despite changing priorities and project goals on the $1.2 million Moomba to Melbourne Augmentation Project for GPU GasNet.
· Navigated through streams of erroneous PLC coding despite no previous system experience. The project, compounded by the loss of the senior project engineer, was successfully delivered to deadline for CSL through extensive research and analysis.

Programmer/Systems Engineer
Company: Supplier of electronic gas measurement, water purification, and wastewater treatment equipment for the measurement and control industry.
Technology summary: SCADA integrations, RTU programming in ACCOL • Project duration: 6-months
Clients included: GPU GasNet Reported to: Onsite Project Managers

Multifaceted role encompassing extensive customer communications throughout pre-development phases, and providing hands-on programming of RTU products for gas data analysis and process control of compressor stations across three separate locations. Conducted factory and site acceptance testing, configured and established solar PLCs and redundancy systems, and designed cabling.
· Devised a utility using C++ that accelerated and refined the process of data extraction.
· Only engineer to work on SCADA development and integration for the $1.2 million fast-track project responding to Victoria’s 1999 “gas crisis.” Programmed all remote telemetry units for the gas compressor stations in Victoria over 4-months.

Software Engineer
Embedded software programming for Motorola 68HC11. Electronically-engineered printed circuit boards.


· $1.6 million, 12-month SCADA Telemetry Upgrade, South East Water Limited. Despite substantial hardware, personnel, and budget constraints that curtailed system enhancement opportunities, delivered UNIX/Windows transition within time and budget frameworks. Sole integrator with no team support, overcame redundancy issues surrounding the legacy Historian system by producing a low-cost, simple proprietary redundancy solution that worked. Continued to provide SLA support, troubleshooting telemetry and network communications.
· $1 million, 3-year UNIX-based telemetry system and historian database. United Energy. Combated US time-zone communication problems by independently researching technical solutions that would overcome software limitations impacting the integration of a new UNIX-based telemetry system with the historian database. Extensive analysis paid off with the project delivered to deadline and on budget with all issues successfully resolved.
· City West Water Limited. Extra studies and research enhanced advanced troubleshooting expertise for administering the legacy system. Fulfilled SLA support contracts identifying and resolving faults in GSM, PSTN, and DMS communications, as well as UNIX-based applications.
· Mobil JUHI. Provided service-level-agreement support for the SCADA system that controlled, gathered data, and reported on the transfer of jet fuel between the refinery, terminals, and airport. With the team lacking in advanced knowledge, quickly mastered the system, troubleshooting communication issues and administering Windows-based applications. Identified several system issues and built convincing case for change/upgrade—currently under assessment by management.
· $14.5K, 3-month web-based charting and reporting prototype: Central Highlands Water Ltd. Using .NET technology, provided the architecture for the project comparing functionality alternatives with off-the-shelf CITECT product. Produced definitive recommendations 1-week short of deadline, which cited significant cost savings with the prototyped .NET solution.
· $2 million, 12-month SCADA installations/legacy system functionality, SA Water. Devised navigation system and co-produced the baseline for a reporting system using Microsoft SQL server and Access. Personally produced solution through intensive testing and research that successfully restored full functionality from legacy systems across three sites to Windows 2000 environment. Undercut deadline by 4-weeks meeting all budget specifications.
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