
Vice President Finance

Taylor Anderson
604 Harmony Lane
Pleasantville, CA 94588
(925) 555-1234


Over 25 years of experience as a Financial Executive in the Manufacturing field. Creative and innovative leader who works well under pressure and manages and develops employees. Led charge to take company private after growth from $10 million to over $300 million. Company went public (NASDAQ) in 2002. Pioneered changes in financial reporting models, purchasing methods and MIS customization.

Looking for new part-time/consulting challenge where high level of business acumen is needed, along with strong planning, creativity, and negotiation skills. Works best in team environment where mentoring and new ideas are valued.


TEXTILE INDUSTRIES INC., West Paterson, New Jersey
Vice President Finance / Board of Directors / Secretary of Corporation / General Partner
Spent over 20 years with authority for strategic planning, development and growth of financial functions, while most recently working as a consultant for this international industrial textile manufacturer. Concurrently performed as senior executive manager while assuming day-to-day responsibility for all financial, purchasing and MIS departments. Company is now listed on NASDAQ (TEXI) with sales of $350 million, 2500 employees, over 2000 products sold in 65 countries, 6 plant sites and subsidiaries in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Managed 75 people.

• Bought General Partnership of company with group of senior managers through creative financing. Considered a "coup" by Wall Street insiders.
• Appointed as Team Leader to secure $140 million high-yield bond issue underwritten by Merrill Lynch.
• Led 12-city road show to sell bonds. Made presentation on company and answered questions during session. Developed additional positive relationships with investors, banks and financial analysts.

• Created innovative financial planning model and reporting system that later became a benchmark for other companies. Contrasted actual costs versus budget versus standard, and allowed for better controls and analysis.
• Developed excellent long-term relationships and financing ability with banks through creation of 5-year programs and consistently demonstrating success on projects.
• Orchestrated all financial reporting including quarterly and year-end reporting, banking, debt management, corporate tax, cash management and SEC filings.

Product Development & Marketing
• Improved marketing approach and capital expenditure selection process through creation of activity-based costing system. Decisions on individual product's value to the company could now be determined through analysis of direct, fixed, and administrative expenses.

Capital Expenditures
• Administered a capital expense budget of $20-$50 million annually, reviewing capacity needs, technology advancements and marketing forecasts.
• Negotiated $85 million multi-bank line of credit to finance major capital expenditures, displaying tight forecasting and planning skills to balance the demands of running at full capacity versus the cash flow demands of buyout.

Acquisitions & Divestitures
• Led several processes to evaluate new ventures, resulting in 4 major acquisitions and 1 divestiture. Assembled multi-functional team and spearheaded discovery process for information: financial histories, marketing plans, market demand, plant modernization needs, staffing issues and other issues.
• Chaired negotiations to develop mutually agreeable terms and conditions that were favorable for the company. Recommended next steps to Board regarding proceeding or stopping acquisition efforts.

• Created, staffed and developed procedures for department which grew to buy $200 million annually. Embraced and implemented service attitude and approach for internal and external customers.
• Developed new system for multi-departmental teams. Created strong vendor partnerships for major purchases and key materials.
• Saved $3 to $5 million versus competition through negotiating long-term supply contracts at below-market value pricing and creating supply assurance in tight market.

MIS Department
• Led customization efforts of department to develop new integrated information system adapted for IBM AS/400 model. Several individual systems were bought from leading specialty vendors (i.e. inventory control, accounting and credit systems), and modified to both work together and accommodate enormous company growth.

Risk Management & Employee Benefits
• Evaluated and recommended new vendors and programs for employee benefits and medical programs.
• Saved $1.5 million and championed company to become one of the first companies to launch a managed care health plan.
• Launched 401K plan for company. Spearheaded creative funding by securing management agreement to grant smaller salary increases during first year to fund program.

Director of Finance / MIS Manager / Accounting Manager
Managed all financial activities for this $20 million commercial textile company. Managed MIS department and specified and installed the company's first computer system. Created and implemented the company's first cost reporting system.

DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS, CPA's, St. Louis, Missouri
Completed audits for both small and large companies such as Monsanto and General Motors.

DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS, CPA,s, St. Louis, Missouri
Completed audits for both small and large companies such as Monsanto and General Motors.


University of Rhode Island
B.S., Accounting

Financial Executives Institute (FEI)
Financial Reporting Issues

Duke University
Business Planning

American Management Association
Management Skills

Harvard Law School
Negotiation Skills

IBM and University of Tennessee
Computer and Software Training

PRWRA Gail Frank - Frankly Speaking - Tampa, FL 33626 - http://www.callfranklyspeaking.com - gailfrank@post.harvard.edu - (813) 926-1353 - (813) 926-1092 fax